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Vision acuity test

Do you suspect the credibility of your vision or your kid’s vision? Read on to know what eye tests you can undergo to clear your doubts?

Visual Acuity Test

A visual acuity test is an eye test designed to test your vision accuracy. It checks your ability to see letters from a distance. It will assess if you can clearly see shape and details from a specific distance or not.

Your color vision, peripheral vision, and depth vision can also be tested if required. A licensed optician will conduct the test. Experts recommend getting kids tested regularly. Early detection is growing years can lessen the severity of the issue.

Your test results will come in the form of a fraction. That is the comparison of your vision to an average person. Understand better by reading the parameters as mentioned below:

What does 20/20 vision mean?

This time you would not regret being called an “average.” This test result means what an average person can see in an eye chart from 20 feet away; you can see the same thing from 20 feet of distance. Which means, you have good vision.

What does 20/10 vision mean?

If 20/10 is the result of your vision test, congratulation! You are amongst the 1% of the population with superior vision. What an average person can see from 10 feet, you can see the same thing from 20 feet away.

Just a caution here that our vision changes with age. Next year your vision can deteriorate, and you might not always find yourself in the 20/20 or 20/10 category.

What does 20/30 vision mean?

Now, this is not good news. 20/30 vision means you need to be 20 feet away from the same object which an ordinary person can see from 30 feet away.

What does 20/40 vision mean?

It means you need to be 20 feet away from an object to see it correctly, which most people can see from even 40 feet away.

No need to panic with 20/30 or 20/40 results. However, you must consult an eye doctor if you are facing:

  • Difficulty in vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes
  • Any other discomfortin your eyes

If you have 20/30 or 20/40 vision, you can still get a driving license and do your daily chores smoothly, you probably just need to wear glasses or contact lenses. You also have an option to get your vision corrected.

There are several treatments and gadgets available which can support and enhance your vision.

  1. Eye Glasses
  2. Eyeglasses can be your friend if you need them occasionally. They are ideal for people who might find it challenging to read a menu or movie subtitles but can do their regular activities without any hassle. Glasses are easy to put on and remove. They are a style statement nowadays. They are the easiest way to correct your vision.

  3. Contact Lenses
  4. If you need to wear glasses all the time, contact lenses can be your go-to solution. You can put them on in the morning and remove it before sleeping only. It would be best if you are careful with their care to prevent any eye infection. Put them on with clean hands and disinfect them regularly. There are also use and throw lenses, and lenses you can keep on and change occasionally. Your eye doctor will be able to recommend the best option for you and instruct you on how to use them.

  5. LASIK Eye Surgery
  6. Light travels through the image of an object to your retina. The clarity of any object or its appearance depends upon the uniform movement of light through your eye. LASIK eye surgery shapes your eyes to obtain that objective to sharpen the image. It is a safe and convenient procedure to correct vision problems.

If you’re facing vision problems, it’s best to see your eye doctor soon and get the best advice on how to correct your vision related problems. Don’t delay! Call the eye experts of Insight Vision Center to get your eyes tested and get appropriate treatment.

Working from home

Our world has witnessed the outbreak of various epidemics and pandemics in the past. But digitalization has proved to be the biggest boon during this COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It is because of digitalization that we have been able to adopt work from home as a lifestyle change and kept the economic wheel churning even during these tough times. But while digitalization has its positives, the downside of technology is our how it impacts our health in the long run.

Work from home has increased our convenience of being connected to our colleagues all the time, but it also keeps us glued to our screens ever more. And so, here are some work from home useful health tips that will help you reduce your eye strain and improve eye health.

  1. Proper monitor position
  2. The correct monitor position is to have the top of your monitor at / just below the eye level. Sufficient distance between the monitor screen and your eyes (about an arm’s length) ensures that there is no unnecessary strain being caused to your eyes.

  3. The ‘20-20-20’ rule
  4. Ophthalmologists suggest that after every 20 minutes of staying connected to the screen, one should take a break for 20 seconds and look at something which is atleast 20 feet away.

  5. Adjust screen brightness and contrast
  6. If you are in a dark room, it’s best to have low brightness; and when you are in a brightly lit room, you must have higher brightness. Screen brightness, if adjusted with the brightness of your surroundings, helps improve the contrast which is soothing to your eyes.

  7. Limit glare from your monitor screen
  8. Monitors reflect a certain amount of light which causes glares. An anti-glare protector or a matt screen is useful to reduce the glare that is reflecting back from the computer screen.

  9. Choose the right eyewear
  10. Ultraviolet light rays which are emitted from screens are harmful for the eyes. And hence, if you wear spectacles, ensure that the lens has an anti-glare coating which limits atleast 99% of both UVA and UVB light rays.

  11. Exercise your eyes
  12. Like your muscles need exercise to stay in form, your eyes also need exercise to stay fit. Here are a few eye exercises that will not just relax your eyes from computer screen strain, but also have the potential to improve your vision.

  13. Don’t forget to blink
  14. When we are deeply involved in our work, we forget to blink. This is why, there has been a drastic increase in the number of people who are complaining of dry eyes today. Blinking helps lubricate our eyes and moistens them. So whenever you are working in front of the screen, make a conscious effort to blink as often as you can.

  15. Eat Healthy
  16. A diet plays an important role in maintaining eye health. Foods that are good for the eyes include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, asparagus as well as legumes, nuts and beans.

As work from home becomes the new work culture worldwide, let’s increases our productivity and protect our eye health from the harmful side effects of our devices in the long run.

Blepharoplasty surgery

If you are encountering droopy eyelids that come with age, making you look older, you might wonder if an elective blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is right for you.

Research has shown that about 6% of eyelid surgery patients are between the ages of 30 to 39, while 42% are between 40 and 54.

In your late 30s or early 40s, your eyelids start to lose elasticity and begin to stretch, resulting in excess folds of skin hanging down over the edge of the upper eyelids.

What is Blepharoplasty?

It is a cosmetic eye surgery requiring the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat from eyelids. The usual blepharoplasty before and after scenario consists of revived sagging upper eyelids and under-eye bags, an increase in your field of vision due to the repositioning of fat, tightened muscles, and tendon support.

In upper blepharoplasty surgery, the surgeon creates an incision for the convenient removal of skin and fat. Later, a thin stitch allows for the creation of an eyelid crease.

Lower eyelid surgery involves incision of the skin directly below the lash line or inside of the eyelid. You can choose to combine this with laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin for further reduction of lines and incision.

Why is Blepharoplasty done?

A fat eyelid leads to an aged face, puffiness, loss of confidence, and even hampers the field of vision. People prefer blepharoplasty to get excess skin and fat removed for eyelid reduction, improve their vision, and lift their facial appearance.

The Procedure

After using a numbing agent for your eyelids, your surgeon will cater to the upper eyelids first. They will create a small cut to remove excess skin, muscle, and fat as required.

In the case of lower lid blepharoplasty, your surgeon will incise either the inside of the eyelid or underneath the lower eyelashes to reduce cut marks.

Risks Involved

While the typical risks from surgeries such as bleeding, bruising, and infection apply here, too, there are a few other dangers associated with blepharoplasty. For instance, you may experience blurry vision, damage due to excessive sun exposure, dry eyes, difficulty closing your eyes, or muscle damage.


The recovery time for blepharoplasty may vary according to your case. Initially, your vision will be blurry. It occurs due to a thick antibiotic ointment used to protect eyes from drying. You have to continue using it for one week, four times a day, on the inside of the eye and the wounds.

Next, use ice packs 24-48 hours after the surgery while resting to reduce the swelling. After 48 hours, you can apply warm compresses to promote faster healing.

For a speedy eyelid surgery recovery, avoid strenuous activities, exercises, and eye makeup for at least seven days post-surgery. However, you do need to move, so walk at a gentle pace.

Who are the suitable candidates for Blepharoplasty?

If you are interested in blepharoplasty strictly for cosmetic purposes, then it is only fair to keep your expectations realistic. You need to understand that eyelid reduction will not eliminate dark circles or wrinkles.

The ideal candidate for an eye lift is healthy and does not bear possible surgical risk factors such as dry eye problems, thyroid eye disease, and diabetes. Because smokers are at an increased risk of surgical complications due to their slower healing capacity, they should quit smoking several weeks before the surgery.

Ideally, people who are thirty-five or older go for eyelid reduction surgery. But if droopy eyelids run in your family, you may get the surgery performed earlier too.

We hope this article helped you gain more clarity about blepharoplasty, to make an informed decision for yourself.


Like all medical operations, strabismus surgery, too, carries the ability to induce complexities. Although minimizing these risks is possible during or after surgery if the patient ensures to take some crucial steps. In case of a complication, it is vital to recognize it and then move on to managing it effectively to prevent further harm.

Minor risks of strabismus surgery include bleeding under the conjunctiva, abrasion of the cornea, or inflammation. To simply put it, if the condition of the strabismus case is highly complicated, it is going to be that much difficult to control the deviation of your eye. Our visual system is extremely complex due to the involvement of the brain. Thus, solely repositioning the relevant muscles cannot resolve all the problems.

Why is Strabismus Surgery needed?

Strabismus eye surgery corrects the eyes which don’t align properly. It is performed on the muscles of the eye to restore normal binocular vision. People with strabismus have an eye that consistently points in a different direction. Strabismus may alternate between eyes or come and go in-between. In some cases, special glasses, patches, or injections could be enough.

Immediately after Strabismus surgery

Eye muscle surgery typically lasts between thirty minutes and two hours. By the time your anesthesia wears out, and you wake up, your doctor keeps a check to make sure there are no after-effects. After surgery, few patients are undertaken for suture adjustment if need be.

What to expect post-surgery?

It is most likely that you will see blood surrounding the surgical area and experience some soreness. That is entirely normal, and the redness, as well as any damage that has happened to the blood vessels, will fade in two to three weeks.

Strabismus surgery patients tend to struggle with temporary dual visibility following the operation. That happens because your brain is getting used to the change in the position of your eyes. Your vision will get back to normal over the coming weeks.

The first indicator to recognize the success of the treatment is the noticeable improvement in your eye alignment. You will have to wait four to six weeks for more lasting results. In some cases, your surgeon will recommend using customized eyeglasses with special lenses to help fine-tune the working of both your eyes.

At-Home Care

You can expect to resume your everyday activities promptly after your strabismus eye surgery. In fact, if your body’s recovery is fast enough, you can even begin to move about your basic tasks within a few hours. The only thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t be experiencing discomfort due to any movement.

There are a few instructions you need to strictly adhere to including, keeping soaps and shampoos away from your eyes, avoiding swimming for a week, using ice packs, and attending follow-up appointments.

When to call your doctor?

Your doctor will share a detailed account of your post-surgical care. But you should call your doctor without any further delay if you encounter any symptom out od the usual. Below is a list of signs you should look out for:

  • An infection, pus or discharge around the eye
  • Sudden bleeding in the eye
  • An unexpected change in vision even after a considerable time post-surgery
  • Too much pain that the prescribed painkiller is unable to cure increased light-sensitivity, leading to the inability to open the eye in well-lit rooms.

Thorough research before any surgery is essential to avoid any misconceptions and regrets later on. To help you make an informed decision, we have collected additional details about the operation. Please refer to this helpful feature – What is Strabismus?

lazy eye in kids

Lazy eye is a visual impairment that is usually seen in early childhood years. In fact, 2 out of every 100 children are affected by this condition. Though this is concerning, lazy eye in kids can be treated. But first, it’s important to know what lazy eye is and how it can be cured.

What is lazy eye?

Also known as amblyopia, lazy eye is a visual condition in which the brain favors one eye more than the other. An eye is affected by amblyopia because of a number of conditions that prevent it from properly focusing and communicating with the brain. As a result, the brain ends up favoring the other eye.

The most common cause of amblyopia or lazy eye in kids is a weakness or an imbalance in the muscles responsible for positioning the eyes. It prevents the eyes from properly working together.

Effects of Lazy Eye in Kids

These are the signs you need to look out for if you think your kid may be affected by lazy eye or amblyopia:

  • A wandering eye
  • Misaligned eyes
  • Squinting
  • Poor depth perception
  • Rubbing one eye
  • Head tilting
  • Problems with reading and writing

As the kid grows and the condition progresses, they could be prone to more serious risks. In severe cases, lazy eye can also lead to loss of vision. Therefore, it is best to detect the problem as early as possible and understand your kids’ options for amblyopia treatment.

How can I tell if my child has amblyopia?

The signs of lazy eye in children can be easily noticed if you pay just enough attention. The first sign you should look for is misaligned or crossed eyes. This symptom indicates strabismus in which the brain bypasses the visual information that the lazy eye receives.

If you suspect the problem, you can get an eye patch for kids since children with lazy eye complain of blurry vision when their dominant eye is covered. To confirm the diagnosis, consult a certified and experienced optometrist, who may use the test called photo screening, which estimates the child’s eye alignment and helps look for a potential problem.

Lazy Eye Treatment

Glasses – Lazy eye in children can be corrected with glasses sometimes. Children with far-sightedness, near-sightedness, or astigmatism are usually prescribed glasses. The specialist monitors the improvement in vision and lazy eye, and suggests the course of treatment, if needed, after that.

Occlusion or Eye Patch – It is one of the most effective lazy eye correction method. In this treatment, the good eye is covered with a patch so that the lazy eye starts working. With the patch on, the brain will only receive information from the lazy eye, and hence, will not ignore it. The patch must be worn for a few hours every day. Also, children should be encouraged to read, color, write, or do other close-up activities while wearing the patch.

Atropine Eye Drops –Another effective amblyopia treatment, atropine eye drops are used to dilate the pupil and blur the vision in the good eye. It has the same results as an eye patch and is less awkward for children.

Vision Exercises – Vision exercises are really helpful and can be done in combination with other treatments.

Lazy Eye Surgery – Lazy eye surgery may be recommended when no other treatment works. It usually results in better eye alignment and also improves the appearance of the eye.

Amblyopia is a serious vision problem that can even lead to blindness. But the good news is that it is treatable in kids. Therefore, it is important to fix lazy eye in children as early as possible.

Consult the experts at InSight Vision Center and ensure the most comfortable and friendly lazy eye treatment for your child.

strabismus crossed eyes

What is Strabismus?

Strabismus, also called wall eye, squint, or crossed eyes, is a condition in which the two eyes are not properly aligned and fail to work as a team when looking at an object. According to the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, approximately 4% of the US population has strabismus.

Types of Strabismus

There are many different types of strabismus, but they can be broadly divided as follows:

  • Exotropia
  • This type of strabismus is also called as wall-eyed. In Exotropia, one eye views at the object directly, and the other eye turns outward away from the nose.

  • Esotropia
  • This type of strabismus is also referred to as crossed eyes or cross-eyed. In Esotropia, one eye looks at the object directly, and the other turns inward toward the nose.

  • Hypotropia
  • Hypotropia is a type of strabismus, where one eye looks directly at the object while the other turns vertically downward.

  • Hypertropia
  • Hypertropia is a type of strabismus, where one eye looks directly at the object while the other turns vertically upward.

Causes of Crossed Eyes (Strabismus)

What causes strabismus?
Each eye is made up of six external muscles (known as the extraocular muscles). These muscles control the eye position and its movement. In a normal binocular vision, these muscles of both the eyes must be coordinated perfectly.

Certain anatomical or neurological problems can interfere with the proper functioning of the extraocular muscles, thus causing strabismus. These problems can originate in the nerves or in the muscles itself. They can also occur in the vision centers in the brain that control the binocular vision.

Strabismus can also occur due to eye injuries or general health conditions.

Risk Factors of Strabismus

Family history: People whose parents or siblings have strabismus are at risk of developing it.
Medical conditions: People suffering from conditions such as cerebral palsy and Down syndrome or have had a head injury or a stroke are more likely to develop strabismus.

Refractive error: People who have uncorrected farsightedness or hyperopia may develop strabismus.

Signs and Symptoms of Strabismus

If you have strabismus, your eyes point outward or inward or focus in different directions. Other symptoms may include:

  • Impaired vision
  • Eyes that do not move together
  • Decreased depth perception
  • Unsymmetrical points of reflection in each eye
  • Double vision
  • Squinting with only one eye
  • Eyestrain or headache
  • Tilting the head to one side

Diagnosis of Strabismus:

A doctor of optometry conducts a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose strabismus. The diagnosis may involve the following steps:

  • Patient History:
  • The eye doctor will ask you about the symptoms. The doctor will also take a note of your general health problems, medications, family history, and other environmental factors that could contribute to the symptoms.

  • Eye Health Examination:
  • The ophthalmologist may use various testing procedures to observe the internal and external structures of your eyes to rule out any eye disease that could contribute to strabismus. The testing will help determine how the eyes respond under normal conditions.

  • Visual Acuity:
  • The eye doctor will measure visual acuity to determine how much vision is affected. The doctor may ask you to read letters (placed near and far) on the reading charts. Visual acuity is written as a fraction. A person with a normal vision has a visual acuity as 20/20.

  • Refraction:
  • The ophthalmologist may conduct refraction to find out the lens power needed to correct any refractive error (farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism). The doctor uses an instrument called a phoropter and places a series of lenses in front of your eyes. How your eyes focus to the light is measured using a handheld lighted instrument called a retinoscope.

  • Alignment and Focusing Test:
  • Your doctor of optometry may assess how well your eyes work together as a team to view an object. This test will help determine the problem that prevents your eyes from focusing effectively.

    Your eye doctor will diagnose whether you have strabismus after evaluating the information obtained from the tests mentioned above. If you have strabismus, the ophthalmologist will discuss the treatment options with you.

    Strabismus Treatment Options

    There are several treatment options for crossed eyes. They include:

  • Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses:
  • For some people, contact lenses and eyeglasses may be the only treatment needed.

  • Prism Lenses:
  • In prism lenses, one is thicker than the other. The prisms reduce the turning of the eye to view an object by altering the light entering it. Prisms can sometimes eliminate eye turning completely.

  • Vision Therapy:
  • Your eye doctor may prescribe a series of visual activities that can improve your eye coordination and eye focusing. These eye exercises reduce the problems with eye focusing, eye movement, and improve the eye-brain connection for effective eye teaming. These eye exercises can also be done at home.

  • Eye Muscle Surgery:
  • The length or position of the eye muscles can be made to appear straight through eye muscle surgery. Usually, vision therapy is prescribed for patients after the surgery to prevent the eyes from becoming misaligned again and to improve eye coordination.

    The doctors at Insight Vision Center are the most experienced ophthalmologists in California that provide the best services and treatment options for strabismus and other eye problems. Get the eye examination done as soon as possible at our eye clinic in Fresno, CA.

    choosing lasik surgeon

    It’s great that you have decided to get LASIK surgery done, and you’d probably want to choose the best LASIK surgean in Fresno for your procedure.

    What you need, is a LASIK surgeon who is qualified, experienced, affordable, and helps you feel at ease. You want to make sure that you are in good hands and your eye surgeon has complete knowledge and understanding of the LASIK procedure.

    To find the right LASIK surgeon in Fresno, you need to take the time to do proper research because there are a lot of options out there. Here’s how to choose the best eye doctor in Fresno for LASIK eye surgery.

    1. Experience

      Consider a qualified surgeon who is experienced and up-to-date with the latest technology and trends. When you contact the eye clinics in Fresno, make sure you ask these questions:

      • Does the surgeon have experience with new LASIK technologies?
      • For how long has the surgeon been performing LASIK?

    2. License
      Check whether the eye surgeon is licensed to practice. You can validate the surgeon’s credentials on state licensing boards or National Practitioner Data Bank.
    3. Certification
      If you want to know if the LASIK surgeon in Freson you’re considereingis certified beyond having a basic license to practice medicine, then check if the surgeon is certified by entities like the American Board of Medical Specialties and American Board of Ophthalmology. Such entities require the board-certified eye surgeons to go through specific training and continued education related to their specialty.
    4. Technology
      Technology is ever-evolving. Choose a surgeon who feels that it is important to invest in these technologies to perform LASIK surgery accurately and efficiently.
    5. Location
      Consider a clinic that is close to your place of residence. A clinic closer to home saves time and avoids the hassle of extra travel during treatment.
    6. Price
      While cost could be a major factor in deciding the right LASIK surgeon, don’t skimp on the quality to save money. The cost of the surgery usually depends on the surgeon, the clinic, the location, and the technology. If you want the best of everything, your LASIK eye surgery cost might be high. So balance out your expectations and consider a surgeon who meets your expectations at a price you can afford.
    7. Financing Options
      Ask your insurance company about possible LASIK treatment coverage. If possible, use your insurance to cover the LASIK eye surgery cost. If this is not possible, then talk to the clinic to find out if they have any in-house finance options or if they can work out a plan for you.
    8. Staff
      When narrowing down your LASIK surgeon options, keep the staff in mind. You do not want an inattentive group of people with no interest in their patients to help you out with the LASIK procedure. So, find out whether they are accommodating, courteous, welcoming, and accessible.
    9. Friend or Family Recommendation/Referrals
      Your friends, neighbors, and family members are invaluable resources that can help you find the right eye clinic. Ask them questions like these:

      • Was their experience good?
      • Would they recommend the eye doctor to others?

      You can also ask for a referral from your regular optometrist or ophthalmologist in Fresno.

    10. Online Reviews
      Going through online LASIK eye surgery reviews is another way to get to know about the eye surgeon from people who have already undergone treatment. However, take these reviews with a pinch of salt and use them to help gauge your options and not make them a determining factor.

    If you want the best LASIK surgeon to correct your vision, then invest your time to look for the best surgeon for your LASIK in Fresno. This step is crucial in increasing your chances of achieving a satisfying visual outcome.

    If you’re you looking for a LASIK surgeon in Fresno for your procedure, contact Insight Vision Center for more information and we can help you with all your LASIK needs in our state-of-the-art eye and vision center.

    Coronavirus and eyes

    By now, the whole world knows what COVID-19 is capable of doing – fever, cough, and shortness of breath that can take 2 to 14 days to show up after a person is exposed to the virus. In some people, the infection can get so severe that it can develop into pneumonia, leading to complications or even death.

    According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a couple of reports suggest that coronavirus can also cause pink eye (conjunctivitis) in the infected person.

    How Coronavirus Can Affect Your Eyes

    Health officials believe that conjunctivitis develops in about 1% to 3% of people with coronavirus.

    Conjunctivitis is an infection of the membrane, known as conjunctiva that lines the eyelid and covers the white part of your eyeball. The symptoms of pink eye include itchiness, redness, tearing, discharge that forms a crust, and a gritty feeling in the affected eye.

    How Coronavirus Is Transmitted

    When a person infected with coronavirus sneezes, coughs, sneezes, or talks, the virus can spray from their nose or mouth into your face. It’s likely that you inhale these droplets through your nose or mouth, and it’s also likely for the virus to enter your eyes too.

    If you touch an object that has been contaminated with the virus – like the door knob – and then touch your eyes, the virus can enter your eyes.

    The doctors at Insight Vision Center, Fresno, CA, have been closely following the coronavirus updates and would like to offer tips on how to stay healthy and protect your eyes while hunkering down at home.

    Below are some eye protection guidelines you can follow:


    • Avoid rubbing your eyes.



      1. If you have the urge to rub your eyes or adjust your eyeglasses, don’t use your fingers, instead use a tissue. And if you must touch your eyes, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after touching your eyes.


      1. Switch to eyeglasses for a while instead of wearing contact lenses.
        If you tend to touch your eyes a lot for no apparent reason, consider wearing glasses more often. Wearing eyeglasses instead of contact lenses decreases the irritation in your eyes due to contact lenses, and you are more likely to pause before you touch your eyes. If you want to continue wearing contact lenses, ensure that you follow the contact lens hygiene to reduce your chances of an infection.


      1. Wear glasses for an added layer of protection.
        Although sunglasses or corrective eyeglasses can protect your eyes from virus-infected droplets, they do not provide 100% protection. The virus can enter into your eyes through the exposed areas such as the side, top, and bottom of the glasses. If you are taking care of a sick patient or if you are potentially exposed to the virus, wear safety goggles for a stronger defense.


      1. Stock up on critical eye medicines.
        Don’t wait until the last minute to contact your pharmacy and request a refill of your medications. During the lockdown, there may be a shortage of supplies, so it is advisable to stock up on critical medications, enough to get you by in emergency situations during the quarantine. If you have trouble getting approval from your insurance company, ask your pharmacist or your ophthalmologist for help.


      1. Practice safe hygiene and social distancing.
        Follow these general guidelines issued by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to slow the spread of disease:
      • Wash your hands as often as possible for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Make it a habit to wash your hands after you use the restroom, cough, sneeze or blow your nose, and before eating.
      • If you do not have access to soap and water, use a hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
      • Avoid touching your face — eyes, nose, and mouth.
      • If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue and throw it away immediately. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow and then wash your hands.
      • Maintain social distancing. Avoid close contact with people. Stay at least 6 feet away from a person with a respiratory infection.
      • Stay home when you are sick.
      • Disinfect commonly touched objects and surfaces, such as countertops and doorknobs in your house.

    Lazy eye

    Also known as amblyopia, lazy eye is a vision development disorder that causes abnormal visual development in early childhood. It is developed when the eye and the brain are not stimulated properly, and the brain favors one eye over the other. It can also be said that when nerve cells responsible for vision do not develop as they should, it results in a ‘lazy eye’.

    Usually, amblyopia occurs in one eye, but in some cases, it can occur in both the eyes.

    What causes lazy eye?

    Here are the leading causes of a lazy eye:

    Strabismus – A condition where the muscles responsible for the positioning of eyes are imbalanced is known as strabismus. This imbalance makes it difficult to track an object with both eyes together. As a result, the eyes turn out or cross.

    Now to avoid double vision, the brain ignores the visuals received by the misaligned eye. This eventually leads to a lazy eye.

    Stimulus Deprivation – When light doesn’t enter an eye due to some obstruction, it tends to become weaker. It could be due to eye surgery, glaucoma, a scar, cataract, etc.

    Refractive Amblyopia – When eyes have unequal refractive errors despite correct alignment, it can lead to amblyopia. For example, there may be near or farsightedness in just one eye. Or, there may be significant astigmatism in one eye and not the other.

    What are the symptoms of a lazy eye?

    Here are the symptoms you must look for:

    • Blurred Vision – When both the eyes together cannot focus on a single object clearly, the resulting image tends to be blurred.
    • Double Vision – This is caused due to the misalignment of eyes.
    • Miscoordination – Because of a lack of coordination between the eyes, they can’t focus on an object.
    • Eye Turn – It is a common symptom when both the eyes turn in different directions.

    How is the lazy eye diagnosed?

    Your eye doctor will examine both your eyes, checking for a wandering eye, eye health, difference in vision between two eyes, or poor vision. Before conducting the exam, they will use an eye drop to dilate your eyes which may result in a blurred vision for up to several hours.

    In infants, a magnifying device is used for an eye examination. The eye doctor may also assess their ability to follow moving objects and fix their gaze at a stationary object.

    In children above the age of 3, the test is done using pictures and letters.

    Amblyopia Treatment


    • Glasses, Contact Lenses or Lasik Surgery



      1. Your doctor may prescribe corrective glasses or

    contact lenses

      1. to help you focus on things clearly. This, sometimes, also helps with double vision.

    In certain cases, your doctor may suggest undergoing Lasik eye surgery which not only eliminates the problem entirely but also stops it from forming again in the future.



    • Surgery and Eye Care
      Lazy eye surgery is done to improve the turn and alignment of the eye. After the surgery, you will have to wear an eye patch over the dominant eye. This strengthens the weaker eye. The patch develops the part of the brain that controls the vision.




    • Atropine Drops
      Atropine drops are put in the unaffected eye to blur its vision. They dilate the vision in the good eye so that the weaker eye can work more and better.


    Early treatment of amblyopia is extremely critical because if overlooked, the condition can lead to permanent vision problems. So, for proper visual development in kids, consult your doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms.

    Blurry vision

    Majority of people who have difficulty in seeing make a very common mistake when describing their poor vision. They interchangeably use the terms blurry vision and cloudy vision. However, there is a thin line of difference between both these terms. Both of them can be caused due to very different reasons. So, let’s find out what exactly these conditions are and understand their causes.

    What is Blurry Vision?

    Blurry vision is when the object you are looking at appears to be out of focus. In such condition, you may feel that squinting will make the object clearer. One of the best examples of blurry vision is the way an image appears on camera before you adjust the lens or give it a moment to focus on the subject. Symptoms include poor peripheral or left or right field of vision.

    What are the Causes of Blurry Vision?

    There are multiple factors which can cause blurry vision. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

    • Near-sightedness, far-sightedness or astigmatism
    • Cataracts
    • Corneal scarring or opacification
    • Abrasions to cornea
    • Age-related macular degeneration
    • Optic Neuritis
    • Retinopathy
    • Injury or trauma to the eyes
    • Infectious retinitis

    Some conditions in particular can cause headache as well as a blurry vision. These include migraine, low blood sugar, stroke etc.

    What is Cloudy Vision?

    Cloudy vision is when it feels like you are looking at everything through a haze or fog. You might feel like there is a blurry film on your eyes and you can almost wipe or blink it away. For instance, looking through smudged glasses or through a window on a foggy morning is what having a cloudy or foggy vision feels like. It can be caused due to different reasons. Hence, the combination of its symptoms depends on the underlying cause. Its commonly occurring symptoms are as follows:

    • Double vision
    • Appearance of halos around lights
    • Light sensitivity
    • Watery or dry eyes
    • Poor night time vision
    • Bloodshot or red eyes

    What are the Causes of Cloudy Vision?

    One of the most common eye condition which causes cloudy vision is cataracts. As a part of the aging process, the lens of the eye loses its transparency in cataracts. Hence, it is generally seen in older people. Dirty or damaged contact lenses are also a very common factor resulting in cloudy vision. Besides, if the contacts are worn for too long, eyes become overly dry and can result in cloudy or blurred vision.

    Other causes include changes in or damage to the cornea due to infections or inflammations. Also, conditions such as macular degeneration, optic nerve disease and diabetes may cause your vision to turn cloudy.

    Since blurry vision and cloudy vision both can indicate presence of certain serious health issues, it’s important to get your eyes regularly checked. An ophthalmologist can identify early signs of eye health issues and even detect related signs of other underlying diseases.

    If you too are experiencing any symptoms of either blurry or cloudy vision, or have any queries related to eye health, get in touch with us. Our experienced team at InSight Vision Center can help you with any queries or issues related with vision and eye health.

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