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Astigmatism vs Myopia

Many individuals experience vision problems caused by refractive errors, which are commonly attributed to irregularities in the structures of the eye, such as the cornea, lens, or overall shape. Distinguishing between different refractive errors can be challenging since they often coexist. Among these errors, astigmatism and myopia are two prevalent disorders that can affect the eyes. While they share certain similarities, they also have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Continue reading Astigmatism vs. Myopia – What’s the Difference?

Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned

We all know about the harsh effects of ultraviolet rays and sunlight on our skin. In summer, we slather ourselves with sunblock lotion to protect our skin from sunburn. But many people do not know that our eyes are also susceptible to damage from the sun.

Yes, eyes can get sunburned when overexposed to ultraviolet rays. The condition is known as photokeratitis. Excessive exposure to UV rays, such as those emitted by the sun, damages the eyes’ surface, causing inflammation of the cornea (the clear portion of the eye in front of the pupil) and temporarily damaging the conjunctiva (a layer of tissue covering the inside of the eyelids and the whites of eyes)

Continue reading Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?

stress and vision problems

Stress may have an impact on your sleep, complexion, and digestion, but did you know it can also have an impact on your eyes? When you are worried or concerned, even briefly, your eyes might undergo changes such as increased intraocular pressure (IOP).

Although these changes are frequently transient, it is critical to understand how stress might affect your eyes, particularly if you have glaucoma or dry eye disease. This post will go deeper into the subject through frequently asked questions. So take a seat, unwind, and continue reading to discover the consequences of stress on your eyes. Continue reading Can Stress Affect Your Eyes?


As you experience eye discomfort, you may wonder if it’s pink eye or a stye causing your irritation. It can be challenging to tell these eye conditions apart, but understanding the differences between them is essential to receive proper treatment. At Insight Vision Center, we provide comprehensive eye care services, including treatment for pink eye and stye. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms, causes, and treatments for these eye problems. Continue reading Pink Eye vs. Stye – What’s the Difference?


Ah, the dreaded eye pain. Suddenly waking up with pain and redness in your eye can be disconcerting – not knowing whether it is from a scratch or an infection only makes it worse. Both can feel similar, but the cause and treatment are very different, and it is important to know the difference. This blog post explores the differences between the two so you can get the right treatment and care for your eyes.

Continue reading Comparing Pink Eye vs. Scratched Cornea : Symptoms, Treatments & FAQs

National Glaucoma Awareness Month - January 2023

In the United States, more people lose their vision and fall into blindness due to Glaucoma than in any other place in the world. Most Glaucoma patients don’t experience any early symptoms, so the disease goes undetected until it is too late. Increasing awareness about Glaucoma among people above 40 and those with a family history of Glaucoma is essential.

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month in the United States. The medical fraternity makes efforts to reach out to anyone susceptible to the disease and make them aware of Glaucoma. There is no cure for Glaucoma, but early treatment can often stop the damage and protect your vision. Continue reading January 2023 is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

what not to do before an eye exam

No one likes to visit the eye doctor. “How much will this cost me?” and “Do I really need glasses?” are the questions that hover in people’s minds before going to an eye doctor’s office. But getting your eyes examined can save you from a bad surprise. The last thing you want to do is to find out there is something wrong with your vision only after an accident or a similar disaster that has already happened.

A comprehensive eye exam can not only prevent eye problems but also decrease the need for medical care. This is why most people prefer to go through a set of tests when visiting their eye doctor. You’ll see how it all works in this article, what not to do before an eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist, how to prepare for an eye exam and what questions you should ask.
Continue reading What Not to Do Before an Eye Exam? Tips for Preparing for an Eye Exam

Eye Safety Tips for the holiday season

Your wait for the holiday season is over! It’s time to be merry, party, meet friends, family, and loved ones. But with this celebratory vibe comes accidents that are on the increase during Christmas time. Most of these are easily preventable. You just need to be extra careful and a little bit more aware.

Let’s learn about some common eye hazards and eye protection safety tips to avoid unwanted mishaps from happening.
Continue reading Essential Eye Safety Tips for the Holiday Season 2022

National Family Health History Day

Along with Thanksgiving Day, another important day coming on 24th November 2022 is National Family Health History Day – A good time to look into your family health history and prevent any disease or find it early. But what does family health history mean?

Your family health history is a record of the health conditions of your close relatives, including parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Knowing your family health history can help you identify diseases you may inherit.

When it comes to understanding your health, family history plays an important role. By knowing about the health conditions that have affected your relatives, you can be more informed about your health and take steps to prevent or manage certain conditions.

This blog is particularly focused on how you can take national family health history day as a reminder to prevent your vision from any inherited eye health issues. But first, let’s understand how to begin!

How to Collect Family Health History?

You can take the following steps to collect your family’s health history:

  1. Talk to Your Relatives
  2. Ask them about any health conditions that run in the family and if they know of any genetic diseases or disorders that have affected family members.

  3. Look Through Old Family Medical Records
  4. If you can get your hands on old medical records, they may provide helpful information about conditions that have affected your relatives in the past.

  5. Use a Family Tree Diagram
  6. A visual representation of your family tree can help organize information about you gathered from your relatives. You can list down the ailments of each family member. This way, you can understand the gravity of these ailments by checking which one got inherited by most family members.

How Does Family Health History Affect Your Vision?

Your family’s eye health and vision history can affect your vision in many ways. If you have a family member with an eye condition, you may be more likely to develop that condition yourself.
Additionally, certain genetic eye conditions can cause serious damage to your vision, even if you don’t have the condition yourself. Find out what are these in the next section.

What Eye Diseases Can Occur Due to Family Eye Health History?

These are the harmful genetic eye conditions you can suffer from due to your family vision history despite your healthy eye vision.

  1. Myopia
  2. Also known as near-sightedness, myopia occurs when objects in the distance appear blurry. It is usually caused when your eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front part of the eye) is too curved. Eye doctors recommend eyeglasses, contact lenses, or LASIK surgery to manage this condition.

  3. Hyperopia
  4. Also known as far-sightedness, hyperopia occurs when objects up close appear blurry. It is usually caused by the eyeball being too short or the cornea not being curved enough. Hyperopia can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

    Read this blog to learn more about nearsightedness and farsightedness.

  5. Astigmatism
  6. In Astigmatism, Your eyes are not able to focus light evenly on the retina (the back part of the eye), resulting in blurry vision. Astigmatism is usually caused by an irregularly shaped cornea. It can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

  7. Strabismus
  8. Also known as crossed eyes, strabismus occurs when the eyes are not aligned properly. This can be due to muscle imbalance or a problem with the eye’s nerve signals. Strabismus can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, surgery, or vision therapy.

  9. Amblyopia
  10. This is a condition in which the brain fails to properly process visual information from one eye, resulting in reduced vision in that eye. Amblyopia can be caused by strabismus or cataract. It is usually treated with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

  11. Glaucoma
  12. This is a group of eye conditions that damages the optic nerve, which carries information from the eye to the brain. It is usually caused by increased pressure in the eye. Glaucoma can be treated with medication, surgery, or a combination of both.

If you have any concerns that you may be at risk for any of these hereditary eye diseases, be sure to talk to your doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in preserving your vision.

Visit InSight Vision Center in Fresno & Madera to Secure Your Vision

If you have a family member with an eye condition, you should talk to your doctor about your risk factors. Depending on the condition, you may need to be extra vigilant about your eye health and get regular eye exams.
InSight Vision Center is the leading eye care center in Fresno and Madera with our experienced and skilled eye experts and state-of-the-art facility. But it’s also the care and personal attention we provide to every patient that sets us apart from every other eye center.
Come and discuss with us if you have a family vision history that can be troublesome for you in the future. And we will guide you on how you can ensure enjoying healthy eyesight all along.

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Eyelashes are one of the most important parts of your face. They help you to look more attractive, giving you a better look. But sometimes, this part of your face goes through pain and tears. There are many people out there who experience the pain of lashes damaging their eyes due to various reasons. In this article, we will discuss the different causes of your eyelashes hurting you so badly. Continue reading Why Do My Eyelashes Hurt?

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