

Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned

We all know about the harsh effects of ultraviolet rays and sunlight on our skin. In summer, we slather ourselves with sunblock lotion to protect our skin from sunburn. But many people do not know that our eyes are also susceptible to damage from the sun.

Yes, eyes can get sunburned when overexposed to ultraviolet rays. The condition is known as photokeratitis. Excessive exposure to UV rays, such as those emitted by the sun, damages the eyes’ surface, causing inflammation of the cornea (the clear portion of the eye in front of the pupil) and temporarily damaging the conjunctiva (a layer of tissue covering the inside of the eyelids and the whites of eyes)

Continue reading Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?

National Glaucoma Awareness Month - January 2023

In the United States, more people lose their vision and fall into blindness due to Glaucoma than in any other place in the world. Most Glaucoma patients don’t experience any early symptoms, so the disease goes undetected until it is too late. Increasing awareness about Glaucoma among people above 40 and those with a family history of Glaucoma is essential.

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month in the United States. The medical fraternity makes efforts to reach out to anyone susceptible to the disease and make them aware of Glaucoma. There is no cure for Glaucoma, but early treatment can often stop the damage and protect your vision. Continue reading January 2023 is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Eye Safety Tips for the holiday season

Your wait for the holiday season is over! It’s time to be merry, party, meet friends, family, and loved ones. But with this celebratory vibe comes accidents that are on the increase during Christmas time. Most of these are easily preventable. You just need to be extra careful and a little bit more aware.

Let’s learn about some common eye hazards and eye protection safety tips to avoid unwanted mishaps from happening.
Continue reading Essential Eye Safety Tips for the Holiday Season 2022


Eyelashes are one of the most important parts of your face. They help you to look more attractive, giving you a better look. But sometimes, this part of your face goes through pain and tears. There are many people out there who experience the pain of lashes damaging their eyes due to various reasons. In this article, we will discuss the different causes of your eyelashes hurting you so badly. Continue reading Why Do My Eyelashes Hurt?

How to clean glasses properly

How to clean glasses? This might not be one of the questions that come to your mind often. You just do it without much thought as it’s an everyday task. However, don’t be surprised if you find out through this article that you are missing some critical steps.

The hygiene of your eyeglasses is directly linked to your eye health, so you better not take it for granted. Read this post to learn how to make eyeglasses cleaner and how not to clean the glasses. Check out some additional information on how to get rid of scratches and how to store eyeglasses properly. Let’s start reading! Continue reading How to Clean Glasses Properly and What to Avoid While Cleaning?

A man suffering from gritty eyes rubbing his eyes

Do you often get the feeling of a flack of sand stuck in your eyes? This irritating condition is known as gritty eyes. Generally, you face these additional gritty eyes symptoms as well:-

  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Burning eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes

Anyone can feel a gritty sensation in the eyes once in a while. However, you need to be alert if this scratchy and rough sensation doesn’t disappear over time. It can mean that you might have an underlying eye disease such as dry eye syndrome, corneal abrasion, sunburned eyes, etc.

This article talks about both prevention and treatment for gritty eyes. But let’s start with the gritty eyes causes.

Continue reading Gritty Eyes: An All-Inclusive Guide on its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Optometrist Vs Ophthalmologist

Fresno, CA, is a city of the lively arts scene and fine state university. Residents of one of the most affordable cities in America enjoy the easy-going vibe of this place. At InSight Vision Center, we take pride in providing all types of eye treatments, including cataracts, eye surgery, LASIK, glaucoma and others, to the people of Fresno, CA, since 1974.

We have the most experienced and incredible team of eye doctors in Fresno. And our eye care professionals provide the best quality treatment with compassion and care in our state-of-the-art eye clinics in the city.

At InSight Vision Centre, you can get treatment from the best ophthalmologists and optometrists. But what is the difference between ophthalmologists and optometrists? And how do you know which one is right for you? Let’s understand this in detail in the upcoming sections of this post.

Continue reading Optometrist Vs. Ophthalmologist: Choosing Eye Doctor in Fresno

Eye Doctor in fresno

Since its inception, InSight Vision Center has been on a mission to provide compassionate and personalized care to our patients in Fresno.  Our team of eye doctors offer comprehensive ophthalmology services, which also includes the most compassionate and convenient surgical care setting for our patients.

InSight Vision Center’s team of eye doctors in Fresno, CA is happy to help you see clearly in 2021. Backed by a team of qualified, certified, competent and award-winning doctors, we are confident that we can address all your eye health concerns to help you see better in 2021 and experience many more years of happiness.

Read on to learn more about our eye services offered in Fresno, CA.


InSight Vision Center provides world-class eye care. Dr. Poulsen, a K. Alexander Dastgheib Award winner for Surgical Skill & Judgment, performs LASIK surgery at InSight Vision Center.

Laser Treatment

The eye surgeons at InSight Vision Center uses the most advanced laser treatment technology and techniques to ensure you receive the care and outcomes you have come to know and trust.


InSight Vision Center aims to provide personal attention to our cataract surgery patients, offering them superior options and outstanding personal care.


Our team is qualified to treat all forms of glaucoma – primary and secondary. Our eye surgeons are experienced with both standard and complex treatment procedures for glaucoma.

Cosmetic Eye Care Procedures

InSight Vision Center offers a full range of cosmetic eye care services to help you look your best. Our cosmetic eye surgeons assist you with your decision making and execute cosmetic eye care procedures safely and in an affordable manner.

Retinal Disorders Treatment

InSight Vision Center has some of the most highly trained and experienced doctors, who use the latest technologies to examine, diagnose and treat all types of retina-related problems

Annual Eye Exam

Our eye doctors in Fresno can provide a fast, painless annual eye exam to ensure that everything looks good. If something doesn’t seem alright, we’ll make the right diagnosis and provide the most effective solutions.

Contact Lenses and Eye Glasses

Regardless of your visual challenges or preferences, our eye doctors in Fresno are happy to find the right products – contact lenses or eye glasses – and work out the most cost-effective approach for better vision.

Why Choose InSight Vision Center? 

  1. InSight Vision Center provides facility care credit which is North America’s leading patient payment program.
  2. InSight Vision Center, your eye doctor in Fresno, CA, is a full-service eye care practice. From comprehensive eye exams to prescriptions, our experienced staff takes care of all your needs at your convenient location in Fresno, CA.
  3. Our comprehensive ophthalmology solutions through experienced practice and referral network are what set the center apart.
  4. Our team of doctors has the technology and experience that is necessary to evaluate and treat retinal disorders.

Vision acuity test

Do you suspect the credibility of your vision or your kid’s vision? Read on to know what eye tests you can undergo to clear your doubts?

Visual Acuity Test

A visual acuity test is an eye test designed to test your vision accuracy. It checks your ability to see letters from a distance. It will assess if you can clearly see shape and details from a specific distance or not.

Your color vision, peripheral vision, and depth vision can also be tested if required. A licensed optician will conduct the test. Experts recommend getting kids tested regularly. Early detection is growing years can lessen the severity of the issue.

Your test results will come in the form of a fraction. That is the comparison of your vision to an average person. Understand better by reading the parameters as mentioned below:

What does 20/20 vision mean?

This time you would not regret being called an “average.” This test result means what an average person can see in an eye chart from 20 feet away; you can see the same thing from 20 feet of distance. Which means, you have good vision.

What does 20/10 vision mean?

If 20/10 is the result of your vision test, congratulation! You are amongst the 1% of the population with superior vision. What an average person can see from 10 feet, you can see the same thing from 20 feet away.

Just a caution here that our vision changes with age. Next year your vision can deteriorate, and you might not always find yourself in the 20/20 or 20/10 category.

What does 20/30 vision mean?

Now, this is not good news. 20/30 vision means you need to be 20 feet away from the same object which an ordinary person can see from 30 feet away.

What does 20/40 vision mean?

It means you need to be 20 feet away from an object to see it correctly, which most people can see from even 40 feet away.

No need to panic with 20/30 or 20/40 results. However, you must consult an eye doctor if you are facing:

  • Difficulty in vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes
  • Any other discomfortin your eyes

If you have 20/30 or 20/40 vision, you can still get a driving license and do your daily chores smoothly, you probably just need to wear glasses or contact lenses. You also have an option to get your vision corrected.

There are several treatments and gadgets available which can support and enhance your vision.

  1. Eye Glasses
  2. Eyeglasses can be your friend if you need them occasionally. They are ideal for people who might find it challenging to read a menu or movie subtitles but can do their regular activities without any hassle. Glasses are easy to put on and remove. They are a style statement nowadays. They are the easiest way to correct your vision.

  3. Contact Lenses
  4. If you need to wear glasses all the time, contact lenses can be your go-to solution. You can put them on in the morning and remove it before sleeping only. It would be best if you are careful with their care to prevent any eye infection. Put them on with clean hands and disinfect them regularly. There are also use and throw lenses, and lenses you can keep on and change occasionally. Your eye doctor will be able to recommend the best option for you and instruct you on how to use them.

  5. LASIK Eye Surgery
  6. Light travels through the image of an object to your retina. The clarity of any object or its appearance depends upon the uniform movement of light through your eye. LASIK eye surgery shapes your eyes to obtain that objective to sharpen the image. It is a safe and convenient procedure to correct vision problems.

If you’re facing vision problems, it’s best to see your eye doctor soon and get the best advice on how to correct your vision related problems. Don’t delay! Call the eye experts of Insight Vision Center to get your eyes tested and get appropriate treatment.

Working from home

Our world has witnessed the outbreak of various epidemics and pandemics in the past. But digitalization has proved to be the biggest boon during this COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It is because of digitalization that we have been able to adopt work from home as a lifestyle change and kept the economic wheel churning even during these tough times. But while digitalization has its positives, the downside of technology is our how it impacts our health in the long run.

Work from home has increased our convenience of being connected to our colleagues all the time, but it also keeps us glued to our screens ever more. And so, here are some work from home useful health tips that will help you reduce your eye strain and improve eye health.

  1. Proper monitor position
  2. The correct monitor position is to have the top of your monitor at / just below the eye level. Sufficient distance between the monitor screen and your eyes (about an arm’s length) ensures that there is no unnecessary strain being caused to your eyes.

  3. The ‘20-20-20’ rule
  4. Ophthalmologists suggest that after every 20 minutes of staying connected to the screen, one should take a break for 20 seconds and look at something which is atleast 20 feet away.

  5. Adjust screen brightness and contrast
  6. If you are in a dark room, it’s best to have low brightness; and when you are in a brightly lit room, you must have higher brightness. Screen brightness, if adjusted with the brightness of your surroundings, helps improve the contrast which is soothing to your eyes.

  7. Limit glare from your monitor screen
  8. Monitors reflect a certain amount of light which causes glares. An anti-glare protector or a matt screen is useful to reduce the glare that is reflecting back from the computer screen.

  9. Choose the right eyewear
  10. Ultraviolet light rays which are emitted from screens are harmful for the eyes. And hence, if you wear spectacles, ensure that the lens has an anti-glare coating which limits atleast 99% of both UVA and UVB light rays.

  11. Exercise your eyes
  12. Like your muscles need exercise to stay in form, your eyes also need exercise to stay fit. Here are a few eye exercises that will not just relax your eyes from computer screen strain, but also have the potential to improve your vision.

  13. Don’t forget to blink
  14. When we are deeply involved in our work, we forget to blink. This is why, there has been a drastic increase in the number of people who are complaining of dry eyes today. Blinking helps lubricate our eyes and moistens them. So whenever you are working in front of the screen, make a conscious effort to blink as often as you can.

  15. Eat Healthy
  16. A diet plays an important role in maintaining eye health. Foods that are good for the eyes include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, asparagus as well as legumes, nuts and beans.

As work from home becomes the new work culture worldwide, let’s increases our productivity and protect our eye health from the harmful side effects of our devices in the long run.

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