

Blepharoplasty surgery

If you are encountering droopy eyelids that come with age, making you look older, you might wonder if an elective blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is right for you.

Research has shown that about 6% of eyelid surgery patients are between the ages of 30 to 39, while 42% are between 40 and 54.

In your late 30s or early 40s, your eyelids start to lose elasticity and begin to stretch, resulting in excess folds of skin hanging down over the edge of the upper eyelids.

What is Blepharoplasty?

It is a cosmetic eye surgery requiring the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat from eyelids. The usual blepharoplasty before and after scenario consists of revived sagging upper eyelids and under-eye bags, an increase in your field of vision due to the repositioning of fat, tightened muscles, and tendon support.

In upper blepharoplasty surgery, the surgeon creates an incision for the convenient removal of skin and fat. Later, a thin stitch allows for the creation of an eyelid crease.

Lower eyelid surgery involves incision of the skin directly below the lash line or inside of the eyelid. You can choose to combine this with laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin for further reduction of lines and incision.

Why is Blepharoplasty done?

A fat eyelid leads to an aged face, puffiness, loss of confidence, and even hampers the field of vision. People prefer blepharoplasty to get excess skin and fat removed for eyelid reduction, improve their vision, and lift their facial appearance.

The Procedure

After using a numbing agent for your eyelids, your surgeon will cater to the upper eyelids first. They will create a small cut to remove excess skin, muscle, and fat as required.

In the case of lower lid blepharoplasty, your surgeon will incise either the inside of the eyelid or underneath the lower eyelashes to reduce cut marks.

Risks Involved

While the typical risks from surgeries such as bleeding, bruising, and infection apply here, too, there are a few other dangers associated with blepharoplasty. For instance, you may experience blurry vision, damage due to excessive sun exposure, dry eyes, difficulty closing your eyes, or muscle damage.


The recovery time for blepharoplasty may vary according to your case. Initially, your vision will be blurry. It occurs due to a thick antibiotic ointment used to protect eyes from drying. You have to continue using it for one week, four times a day, on the inside of the eye and the wounds.

Next, use ice packs 24-48 hours after the surgery while resting to reduce the swelling. After 48 hours, you can apply warm compresses to promote faster healing.

For a speedy eyelid surgery recovery, avoid strenuous activities, exercises, and eye makeup for at least seven days post-surgery. However, you do need to move, so walk at a gentle pace.

Who are the suitable candidates for Blepharoplasty?

If you are interested in blepharoplasty strictly for cosmetic purposes, then it is only fair to keep your expectations realistic. You need to understand that eyelid reduction will not eliminate dark circles or wrinkles.

The ideal candidate for an eye lift is healthy and does not bear possible surgical risk factors such as dry eye problems, thyroid eye disease, and diabetes. Because smokers are at an increased risk of surgical complications due to their slower healing capacity, they should quit smoking several weeks before the surgery.

Ideally, people who are thirty-five or older go for eyelid reduction surgery. But if droopy eyelids run in your family, you may get the surgery performed earlier too.

We hope this article helped you gain more clarity about blepharoplasty, to make an informed decision for yourself.


Like all medical operations, strabismus surgery, too, carries the ability to induce complexities. Although minimizing these risks is possible during or after surgery if the patient ensures to take some crucial steps. In case of a complication, it is vital to recognize it and then move on to managing it effectively to prevent further harm.

Minor risks of strabismus surgery include bleeding under the conjunctiva, abrasion of the cornea, or inflammation. To simply put it, if the condition of the strabismus case is highly complicated, it is going to be that much difficult to control the deviation of your eye. Our visual system is extremely complex due to the involvement of the brain. Thus, solely repositioning the relevant muscles cannot resolve all the problems.

Why is Strabismus Surgery needed?

Strabismus eye surgery corrects the eyes which don’t align properly. It is performed on the muscles of the eye to restore normal binocular vision. People with strabismus have an eye that consistently points in a different direction. Strabismus may alternate between eyes or come and go in-between. In some cases, special glasses, patches, or injections could be enough.

Immediately after Strabismus surgery

Eye muscle surgery typically lasts between thirty minutes and two hours. By the time your anesthesia wears out, and you wake up, your doctor keeps a check to make sure there are no after-effects. After surgery, few patients are undertaken for suture adjustment if need be.

What to expect post-surgery?

It is most likely that you will see blood surrounding the surgical area and experience some soreness. That is entirely normal, and the redness, as well as any damage that has happened to the blood vessels, will fade in two to three weeks.

Strabismus surgery patients tend to struggle with temporary dual visibility following the operation. That happens because your brain is getting used to the change in the position of your eyes. Your vision will get back to normal over the coming weeks.

The first indicator to recognize the success of the treatment is the noticeable improvement in your eye alignment. You will have to wait four to six weeks for more lasting results. In some cases, your surgeon will recommend using customized eyeglasses with special lenses to help fine-tune the working of both your eyes.

At-Home Care

You can expect to resume your everyday activities promptly after your strabismus eye surgery. In fact, if your body’s recovery is fast enough, you can even begin to move about your basic tasks within a few hours. The only thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t be experiencing discomfort due to any movement.

There are a few instructions you need to strictly adhere to including, keeping soaps and shampoos away from your eyes, avoiding swimming for a week, using ice packs, and attending follow-up appointments.

When to call your doctor?

Your doctor will share a detailed account of your post-surgical care. But you should call your doctor without any further delay if you encounter any symptom out od the usual. Below is a list of signs you should look out for:

  • An infection, pus or discharge around the eye
  • Sudden bleeding in the eye
  • An unexpected change in vision even after a considerable time post-surgery
  • Too much pain that the prescribed painkiller is unable to cure increased light-sensitivity, leading to the inability to open the eye in well-lit rooms.

Thorough research before any surgery is essential to avoid any misconceptions and regrets later on. To help you make an informed decision, we have collected additional details about the operation. Please refer to this helpful feature – What is Strabismus?

It’s no secret that exercising is the best way to get in shape and stay fit. It keeps you healthy and helps you avoid serious health conditions. But, did you know that exercising is also extremely beneficial for your eye health? This is because the act of exercising releases hormones and anti-oxidants that are known to combat the effects of cell damage in the body, which also includes your eyes.

How Physical Exercise Can Help You?

Researchers have also conducted numerous studies on the matter and have found a strong correlation between exercising and good eye-health. When our body is undergoing physical stress in the form of a work-out, it stimulates our endocrine system, which releases chemicals and hormones that control the various cellular functions of the body. The hormones released while working-out are known to control a number of physiological reactions in the body. These hormones allow you to build new muscle and tissue while helping you burn fat. They also play a large role in facilitating the following bodily functions:

  • tissue growth and regeneration
  • hydration levels
  • synthesis and degradation of muscle protein
  • energy generation
  • metabolism levels

The endocrine glands also produce a number of anti-oxidants that help fight the effect of free radicals in your body as well as your eyes. Free radicals in the eyes are known to cause a number of eye-diseases, listed as follows:

  1. Cataract
  2. Glaucoma
  3. AMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  4. Diabetic Retinopathy
  5. Dry Eye
  6. Low Vision

If you are suffering from any of the eye-diseases mentioned above or are looking to reduce the chances of their occurrence all together, cardiovascular exercises are the way to go. Exercises such as Aerobics, Zumba, jogging or even brisk walking will help lower the pressure in your eyes, otherwise known as help intraocular pressure. The hormones and anti-oxidants that release post-workout also helps keep the retinal ganglion cells protected by fighting free radicals in the eye. Cardio exercises are especially beneficial as it helps increase the flow of the blood to the optic nerve and the retina. While vision related problems cannot be fixed completely, exercising helps enhance overall eye health while protecting it from free radical damage and reducing their long-term effects.

If you are facing eye-related health problems or need an assessment of your current eye health, call us on +559-449-5050 to contact our team of professionals at Insight Vision Centre in Fresno, California and schedule your eye exam today!

Do you have diabetes? If yes, then you are at a risk of developing serious eye diseases. High blood sugar can lead to problems like blurry vision, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinopathy. In fact, diabetes is the primary cause of blindness in adults between 20-74 years. Let us look at some eye diseases that result from diabetes.

4 Eye Conditions Related to Diabetes

1) Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)

One of the most serious eye conditions, diabetic retinopathy occurs when the tiny blood vessels present at the back of the eye become blocked and start leaking.

Types of DR

a) Background Diabetic Retinopathy

This doesn’t affect the eyesight but the eyes need to be monitored to ensure that the retinopathy doesn’t worsen.

b) Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

If background diabetic retinopathy gets worse, then many retinal blood vessels get blocked or damaged. If these changes occur over a large area of the retina, then the blood vessels to the retina will be reduced, which the body tries to fix by growing new blood vessels on the retinal surface or into the vitreous gel. However, these new vessels are generally weak and bleed very easily, thus affecting your vision

c) Diabetic Maculopathy

This occurs when the macula is affected by retinopathy. It affects the central vision, which is required to see fine details and color, and makes it blurry.

Causes of DR

The primary cause of this eye disease is chronically high blood sugar from diabetes as it directly damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina.


The early stages usually don’t have any symptoms, which is why the disease progresses unnoticed until it starts affecting your vision.

If the abnormal retina blood cells start bleeding, then it can cause an appearance of ‘floating spots’ in the eye. These spots may be clear on their own but if there is no proper treatment, the bleeding will recur and increase the risk of permanent vision loss.


If your eye condition is detected in the early stages, then you will be given a laser treatment. It helps in preventing bleeding or growth of new blood vessels.

Reducing Risk

You can reduce the risk of DR by:

  • Controlling the blood glucose levels
  • Controlling the cholesterol levels
  • Controlling the blood pressure
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Quitting smoking

Get a regular retinal screening as it can help in detecting diabetic retinopathy at an early stage and early treatment will stop you from losing sight. You must have the retinal screenings more often if you’re pregnant and have gestational diabetes. The screenings must be done during your pregnancy and after your baby is born.

2) Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)

This eye disease causes an accumulation of fluid in the macula, which is a part of the retina that controls our detailed vision abilities, due to the leaking of blood vessels. You must have diabetic retinopathy in order to have DME. It damages the blood vessels and results in vision impairment. If left untreated, these blood vessels begin to build up pressure in the eye and leak fluid, causing DME.

Causes of DME

High blood sugar is one of the main causes of DME. It can make the blood vessels leak or grow uncontrollably in your retina. DME occurs when the fluids leak into your retina. This leaking will cause the retina to swell, thus hampering the work of your macula.


It usually doesn’t have symptoms, however, you may experience the following:

  • Blurry images that are directly in front of you
  • Washed out colors

3) Cataract

This occurs when there is clouding or fogging in the otherwise clear lens of the eye. Since the lens allows you to focus and see images clearly, the cataract will cause blurry, cloudy or glazed vision. Cataract can strike anyone but those with diabetes can get cataract at an earlier age than others and the condition will progress more rapidly in diabetic people.

You can treat cataract through a surgery where the cloudy lens is removed or cleaned out and replaced by a clear man-made lens.

4) Glaucoma

Glaucoma damages the eye’s optic nerve. It occurs when fluid builds up in the front part of the eye. This extra fluid builds pressure in the eye and damages the optic nerve and blood vessels, thus affecting the vision.


It does not cause any symptoms until it starts affecting the eyesight and you have major vision loss. However, in the early stages, you can experience headaches, blurred vision, eye aches, watery eyes and halos around a light.


The treatment of glaucoma includes medications that can treat open-angle glaucoma. They lower eye pressure, reduce the amount of liquid the eye produces and speeds up the drainage.

Preventive Steps to Take

  • If you have type 1 diabetes, you should have a dilated eye exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist within three to five years after diagnosis.
  • Those with type 2 diabetes should have a dilated eye exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist shortly after diagnosis.
  • Annual eye exams are a must for people suffering from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. You can make the check-ups more frequent if necessary.
  • Women with a history of diabetes considering pregnancy should have an eye exam before and during pregnancy. This does not pertain to women with gestational diabetes.

Make an appointment today with an eye doctor at Insight Vision Center to rule out any eye diseases that may be caused due to diabetes.

Dark side of wearing contact lenses

Getting your first set of contact lenses would feel like an amazing upgrade to eyeglasses. You can see the world more clearly just by popping them in and you would look good too! They can fit in easily onto the eye and allow you to perform numerous tasks that might be uncomfortable in glasses such as traveling, exercising, etc.

However, if you do not use contact lenses properly, you will be exposed to some side effects which could even affect your vision in the long run.

8 Risks and Side Effects of Using Contact Lenses

1. Blockage of Oxygen Supply to the Eyes

Since contact lenses lie directly on the eye and cover the entire cornea, the amount of oxygen reaching your eyes will decrease. Good oxygen supply is absolutely critical to keep the eyes healthy.

Choose soft or silicone hydrogel lenses as they transmit more oxygen than the conventional soft contact lens materials. They will even be better for your eyes in the long run. Avoid wearing contact lenses for long hours at a stretch.

2. Dry Eyes

Contact lens reduces the quantity of tears getting on the cornea as they absorb most of our tears to keep itself soft. This lack of tears causes dry eye syndrome leading to itchiness, burning sensation and redness of the eyes. If the eyes get too dry, it will lead to the scarring of the cornea which can be extremely painful.

If you suffer from chronic eye dryness, use eyedrops to lubricate the eyes to provide some relief to them.

3. Irritation when Combined with Medication, especially Birth Control Pill

Concurrent use of contraceptive pills and contact lens together will result in chronic dry eyes and irritation. You will experience changes in the tear film, which primarily consists of three main layers which come together to protect, bathe and nourish the eye surface.

The combination of birth control pills and contact lenses will upset this balance in the tear film and cause excessive tearing, burning eyes and a gritty foreign body sensation in the eye. The restricted flow of oxygen to the eye will aggravate the condition.

Avoid using lenses as long as you are on the pill.

4. Diminished Corneal Reflex

Using contact lenses may cause diminished corneal reflex in the eye. Corneal reflex is a protective mechanism of the eye where the brain signals the eyelids to drop down to protect our eyes whenever the slightest amount of pressure is applied to the cornea. Corneal reflex makes sure that we close our eyes if something may cause a direct trauma to them, like a flying object coming towards our eyes or if someone tries to poke us.

When you use contact lenses constantly, you teach your body to ignore the natural corneal reflex. This may dull the eye’s response to corneal reflex, which could lead to the eye being damaged if you can’t shut your eyes fast enough in case of danger.

Keep the usage of the lenses to a minimum. Use glasses when you are at home to ensure that corneal reflex isn’t diminished too much by constant use.

5. Corneal Abrasion

There is a possibility of the contact lenses scratching your cornea, causing corneal abrasion if they are not fitted properly or when your eyes are too dry.

Never sleep with contact lenses in as the risk of abrasion will increase. The lenses will trap particles like dirt and sand and rub against your cornea. These abrasions will create an opening for bacteria and virus to seep through and give birth to eye infections, which can result in loss of vision too.

You may even scratch your cornea when you insert or extract contact lenses carelessly. Ensure that you fit the lenses carefully and you never sleep in them.

6. Red Eye or Conjunctivitis

There will be a high risk of conjunctivitis and stye if you wear contact lenses for long hours at a stretch, especially through the night. They provide a moist environment which acts as a potential breeding ground for microorganisms like viruses and bacteria. Additionally, since less oxygen reaches the cornea when you wear lenses, the body doesn’t fight off an infection that is caused by bacteria or viruses as effectively as it should.

Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC) is the most common type of conjunctivitis that contact lens wearers get due to repeated irritation from the contact lenses.

Always, always, always remove your contact lens before sleeping.

7. Ptosis

Ptosis is a condition where the eyelids start drooling and the affected individuals are unable to open their eyes fully.

If you use contact lenses, they may move into the eyelid tissues causing scarring and contraction, which further leads to a lid retraction. This especially holds true for hard contact lens wearers as the eyelid is repeatedly stretched during lens removal.

Switching to soft contact lenses would be a good idea.

8. Corneal Ulcer

This occurs when an open sore caused by fungus, bacteria, parasite infection or viruses is formed in the eye’s cornea. A corneal ulcer can cause permanent blindness if it is not treated quickly. If it does lead to blindness, a corneal transplant will probably be the only way to restore vision.

Preventing Side Effects Caused by Contact Lens

Do not over-wear your contact lenses and discard/replace them as directed by the doctor. Remember that lens deposits will continue to build up on your contact lenses over a period of time. The longer you go without replacing the lenses, the more will be the lens deposits — this will reduce the oxygen supply to the corneas, eventually damaging the eyes.

Do not miss your routine contact lens eye exams. Being regular with the check-ups will help your eye doctor detect problems caused by the contact lens in the early stages and prevent them from getting serious by giving you timely treatment.

If your current contact lenses are uncomfortable, try changing them or get an updated prescription. This will help in relieving contact lens irritation. Moreover, you can consider LASIK as a permanent solution to contact lens discomfort.

Almost every woman wearing contact lenses will agree that even though their contacts have freed them from the boring spectacles, the said freedom has come at a price. Let’s see why:

Because wearing and maintaining contacts is quite a task!

  • You need to literally follow a step-by-step tedious procedure to just wear and remove your contact lenses. You wash hands, clean the case, use the lens solution, clean the lenses and then carefully put them on which is a struggle in itself. This drill is to be followed every time you sleep, shower or go swimming.
  • Think of the time you wear eye makeup. Just a small speck of eye shadow or a seemingly innocent eyelash with mascara, if comes in contact with your lenses, you are sure to get an irritated and red eye for the rest of the day! And not to forget, once you get makeup in the lenses, it is really tough to clean out the residue thoroughly.
  • You play multiple roles in a single day and are often multi-tasking with your hectic schedule. In such a scenario, it isn’t exactly convenient, when you also have to ensure that you handle and store contact lenses correctly so that they don’t get dry, scratched, torn or lost.

It would be wonderful to not restrict yourself from doing anything you love just because of your contact lenses, don’t you think?

Lasik eye surgery can be the best possible answer to this question. As opposed to the hassles of using contact lenses, Lasik comes with a host of advantages. Hence, more and more women are choosing Lasik surgery over contact lens.

Let’s understand the 5 reasons why Lasik surgery can be a much better option for women who are struggling with their contact lenses:

1. You can lead a more carefree lifestyle after Lasik surgery. You don’t need to worry about getting makeup or chlorine water in your eyes while swimming, as with contact lens.

2. Lasik eye surgery is one of the safest procedures. Whereas, contact lenses may lead to a loss of vision in the long term.

3. Lasik is cheaper than contact lens. You need to buy new contacts if they are lost, torn, get dry or scratched, which is often. Apart from this, they also need to be replaced regularly. However, Lasik surgery is a onetime solution.

4. LASIK is painless. Contact lenses are known to give the user red, irritated and painful eyes, even if a single dust or makeup particle comes in their contact.

5. There is no risk of infection involved in Lasik surgery. But, contacts are prone to get infected even with the slightest of negligence, which can eventually lead to serious eye infection.

All these reasons are precisely why Lasik eye surgery is one of the most preferred vision correction procedures today. Also, the recovery time after Lasik procedure is negligible. You can get back to routine life within only a few days. It gives you the liberty to live your life to the fullest.

So get in touch with our skilled team at Insight Vision Centre in Fresno California today. Our eye care surgeons will answer your queries related to Lasik procedure which you might have, and also help you understand how it can transform the way you see and live!

The glorious season of spring is almost here! Most of you shall be gearing up for some fun in the sun. However, many others are finding ways to protect themselves from the effects of seasonal allergies. Various factors such as dust and pollen grains are the usual troublemakers, causing allergic reactions in multiple ways.

But, in order to take preventative measures against such allergies, we first need to be able to identify the symptoms of such allergies to be better prepared. Mentioned below are some of the most common indications of allergic reactions:

  • Redness of eyes
  • Itching
  • Swelling or puffiness
  • White discharge from the eyes
  • Teary or watery eyes
  • Soreness or pain in one or both the eyes

So, how do you avoid suffering from these symptoms without compromising on your fun time in the glorious spring sun? Take a look at these 7 simple yet effective preventative measures that you can take in order to stay allergy-free this spring.

 1. Wear Sunglasses

Since spring calls for a lot of outdoor celebrations, picnics and barbeques, make sure you keep your eyes protected from Sun damage, caused due to the harmful UV rays. Wear sunglasses with 100% UV ray protection and supplement that by using a hat. Doing so will help you protect your eyes as well as your face from direct sunlight.

2. Keep Your Hands & Face Clean

When you’re spending your days outside, it is easy to get your hands dirty. Dust and pollen particles are the prime causes of contamination, as a result of which it is extremely easy to trigger your allergies. It could even be something as simple as lightly rubbing your eyes. That is why it is crucial to keep your face and hands clean at all times.

3. Wear Glasses instead of Contact Lenses

Avoid using contact lenses and use glasses instead, when you plan on staying outside for extended length of time. This is because pollen can build up on your contacts and further irritate your eyes. Glasses make a better alternative as they can shield your eyes from flying particles of pollen and dust.

Pro Tip – You can talk to your doctor about getting polarized lenses for your prescription spectacles. This will give you the dual benefit of protecting your eyes from the harsh glare of the sun and the risk of infection causing contaminants.  

If you find both glasses and contact lenses quite the hassle to handle, then simply opt for a vision corrective procedure such as LASIK! It is the most commonly opted procedure as it is almost pain free, requires negligible recovery time and has zero side effects.

4. Protect Your Eyes from Extreme Activities

Spring calls for outdoor sports, bonfires, barbeques and fireworks! This means increased exposure to extreme heat and smoke, making it even more important to ensure that you are fully protected from the impacts of the same. Keep your distance in case of witnessing or lighting fireworks and open fires, and ensure that you and everyone around you use protective eyewear. Appropriate eye gear is also crucial when playing sports or indulging in other outdoor activities like hiking and swimming.

5. Use an Air Purifier

Allergens like pollen and dust spread quickly and find their way into your homes quite easily. Therefore, in order to keep yourself completely protected from contracting allergies, it is advisable to invest in an air purifier so that you are safe indoors as well.

6. Keep Your Eyes Moist

The sunny days of spring can leave your eyes dry as you venture outside to enjoy the warm weather. Restore the lost moisture of your eyes by applying artificial tear drops that help lubricate the eyes and improve visual comfort
by soothing the ocular surface.

7. See Your Ophthalmologist for a Comprehensive Eye Exam

With the dryness of the spring season at your doorstep, the best way to protect your eyes from itching, irritation and allergies is to have a comprehensive eye exam by an experienced ophthalmologist. He will check your eyes for signs of seasonal allergies and symptoms of other eye conditions. If any changes are identified in your visual health, your ophthalmologist can initiate treatment immediately so that your eyes remain healthy for the rest of the year.

If you still face a lot of difficulties as a result of spring time allergies, book an appointment with Insight Vision Center today. Our dedicated team of experts will guide you in every way possible, with specialized solutions and treatment options!

Ever thought about eating right for healthy eyes? Yes, our eyes may be the most neglected and strained organ of our body. Hectic work schedules, long hours before lit screens, harsh sun rays – are all adding to the stress of our eyes. But we don’t realize this until major damage is done.

So be wise and begin with the basics to improve the health of your eyes. We have listed 10 super foods which promote healthy vision. These are rich in powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenoids, alpha-lipoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids etc. All of them work together to protect the retina and lens by absorbing and controlling free radicals, thus shielding your eyes from damage. Read below to know more about the 10 super foods.

1. Berries
Include these sweet, sour and tangy superfoods in your diet and see a marked difference in your vision. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which will relax and soothe the swelling of eyes. Other antioxidants present in strawberries help prevent dryness, vision defects and macular degeneration.

Blue berries with their anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective, collagen stabilizing and rhodopsin-regenerating properties, benefit the functioning of your eyes. They strengthen the posterior blood vessels of eyes. The anthocyanins present in blue berries not only prevent blockages in retinal arteries, but also lower high blood pressure. Other berries such as cranberries, blackberries, mulberries etc., also benefit your eyes.

2. Broccoli
The wide-spread dislike for broccoli is well known. Well, it’s time you opened your eyes to its benefits. Broccoli is packed with antioxidants, and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Both these carotenoids act as protective pigments in the back of the eyes.
A vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to eyes which are super sensitive to light, resulting in fatigue, inflammation and hazy vision. Broccoli can help you prevent these problems, as it contains a lot of vitamin B2. Have it in salad or a side dish, or as a snack with a dip.

3. Brussels Sprouts
These are another rich source of vitamin C which eases the inflammation of stressed eyes. Besides, they also contain zeaxanthin, an antioxidant which helps filter out the harmful blue light rays and prevents them from entering the cornea. This helps protect eyes from damage and disorders like macular degeneration. Add some texture to salad with these wonder sprouts or enjoy as a light snack.

4. Carrots
These are easy on your pocket and heavy on the benefits. They are loaded with beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A protects vision, prevents night blindness, and maintains a healthy and clear cornea. Salads, smoothies or healthy desserts – there are numerous ways to add carrots in your diet.

5. Chia Seeds
They have high omega-3 fatty acids content as compared to flax seeds or salmon, more calcium than a glass of milk, and more antioxidants than blue berries. Make them a part of your daily diet to reduce the oxidative damage of the lens and retina, and promote the overall health of eyes.

6. Dark Chocolate
Most of us love this delicious super food. For those who don’t, here are some reasons to ditch the regular and pick a dark bar instead. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids which enhance the blood flow to the eyes. They also help your eyes see better in low light and focus properly in excess bright light, while reducing the strain. Besides, dark chocolate also contains minerals which ensure correct functioning of the optic system.

7. Kale
Kale is rich in vital nutrients and vitamins. The nutrients are crucial for a clear and perfect vision. Moreover, the lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A, B6 and K help protect the eyes from harmful light rays, contribute to visual development, protect the cornea and strengthen the optical nerve. Kale also provides ample amount of vitamin C. So do not shy away from the greens on the menu! Kale, spinach, mustard leaves, swiss chard, turnips – all of these are must-haves in your diet.

8. Peppers
These are one of the richest sources of vitamin A and C. Both these vitamins help maintain healthy eyesight by preventing night blindness, reverse near and far sightedness and prevent formation of cataracts. The peppers also contain ample amount of vitamin B6, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and lycopene. All of these are important for healthy vision.

You can choose from the many varieties of peppers available today. So bake, grill, stir-fry or simply have them raw for maximum benefit.

9. Proteins

Some of the most easily available protein-rich super foods are eggs, salmon, oysters, crab, beef, etc. Eggs are loaded with biotin, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and retinol – the most vital element responsible for maintaining healthy vision. Salmon also has a good amount of retinol and omega 3 fatty acids, both of which are required for maintaining a good eyesight. However, the red meats need to be consumed in moderation.

10. Seeds & Nuts
Give your eyes the advantage of the duo – vitamin C and vitamin E. Both of these together, are great at keeping a tissue healthy and strong. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans and sunflower seeds are the best sources of vitamin E and zinc. Besides, they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the eyes. So, toss aside your fried snacks and grab these nutritious seeds and nuts instead.

Apart from these, a regular eye check up is essential. Visit us at Insight Vision Center today, and find out more about how you can keep eye ailments at bay and maintain a healthy vision.

Are you contemplating having eye surgery to get rid of those spectacles?

Well, think no more as modern technology allows you to do just that. Superior vision technology has totally transformed the world of eye care right from diagnosis and treatment to equipment and recovery. Vision technology has witnessed some amazing scientific breakthroughs in the past few years and these advances are rapidly changing the future of those with chronic eye conditions. Here are 5 ways innovative technology is making a massive difference to the eye health of millions across the globe:

    1. The Entry of New Eye Care Equipment

      A recent innovation, “Adaptive Optics” has revolutionized the diagnosis of vision in patients suffering from diabetes. This advanced technology can accurately detect the early signs of vision loss that other screening techniques fail to determine. It efficiently targets those areas that were initially overlooked by other machines. This sophisticated technology is a driving change for future generations that are at a risk of diabetes related eye disorders.

    2. Treatment Procedures Have Become Shorter and The Recovery Time has been Reduced to Half

      The adoption of sophisticated equipment and advanced techniques has resulted in the improvement of the results. Procedures have become precise and the treatment time has been reduced dramatically. Today every front-line treatment center uses laser technology whether it is for measuring the focus or reshaping the cornea. Laser surgery is safe, blade-free, precise and automates the most vital processes in a surgery which ensures maximum accuracy, and minimal pain in a much shorter span of time. The diagnosis of eye diseases is now possible at an early stage due to which procedures have become less risky and have a faster recovery time.

    3. Improvement in Visual Outcomes

      The prevention of eye impairments is now possible with lens-based techniques that can accurately track the fluctuations in eye pressure and facilitate timely therapeutic interventions. New formulations are more prompt and effective than ever before, eye evaluations are totally computerized, and gene therapy and stem cell therapy are effectively slowing down eye disease progress and restoring vision. The evolution of regenerative treatments and their encouraging results are anticipated to revolutionize the approach to eye disease and age-related degeneration.

    4. Different Treatment Options Available Today

      The new laser techniques have made acute angle closures safe and accurate. Evolving tools and techniques are now getting closer to the goal of pain-free treatments and improving eye care services. Let’s take a look at how cutting-edge technology is eliminating blindness.

      • Wavefront Analysis – Designed to measure how the human eye focuses light, this advanced technique creates an eye map which facilitates an accurate diagnosis of eye problems that can eventually lead to a total loss of vision
      • LASIK– It reshapes the cornea to improve the focusing power of the eye and restores vision painlessly
      • Diode Laser – Prevents retinal detachment and treats retinal tears by scarring the retina and bonding it with the underlying tissues
      • Femtosecond Laser – Incredibly safe and highly accurate, femtosecond laser automates the cataract surgery and also ensures a quick recovery.


  1. How Eye Care Has Evolved in Glaucoma

    Today Glaucoma can be detected at a very early stage without causing any damage to the optical fibers and this prevents the onset of vision impairment. It is now possible to track all fluctuations in eye pressure around the clock. Due to this, the physician can treat every type of glaucoma promptly and precisely thereby increasing the chances of a positive outcome. Also, an early diagnosis means less complications and a quicker resolution.

The remarkable results of recently discovered tools and techniques have shifted the focus from treatment to preservation of vision. Today people receive improved eye care services that are aided by bio-engineered products and sophisticated equipment with all the necessary caution for a successful outcome. Developments in eye care technology are already creating a world of possibilities to improve your vision and eye health-don’t wait and call us today to find out your options!

Laser Skin Resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, laser vaporization and lasabrasion is a technique to use laser beams to reduce facial wrinkles, scars and blemishes. With laser technology, surgeons have a higher level of control and precision around the delicate areas, thus offering better results.

What is Skin Laser Resurfacing

It’s a popular cosmetic procedure that helps in rejuvenating the skin through laser technology. Along with facial scars, wrinkles and blemishes, it reduces the effects of aging, sun and some facial disorders. It removes the outer, damaged skin and gives way to a smoother, younger, healthier-looking skin.

How Does It Work

The surgeon uses laser to send short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin. The laser beam removes the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin), and simultaneously heats the underlying skin, which is called the dermis. This stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers. After the treated area heals completely, firm and smoother skin is formed.

Ideal Laser Skin Resurfacing Candidates

The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone with an elastic, non-oily skin that isn’t prone to scarring after minor injury. Patients with wrinkles, lines and uneven pigmentation can opt for laser skin resurfacing. Those with superficial facial scars such as acne or chickenpox scarring, birthmarks, enlarged oil glands etc. can also consider undergoing this procedure. It is crucial that the person is free of any medical conditions, including prescription medication and existing health conditions which may cause unnecessary risk during the treatment or recovery period. Before going in for the procedure, the candidate should have realistic expectations of the results.

The Procedure

A local anesthesia is administered through an injection at the treatment site. If necessary, an oral sedative may also be used. Once the anesthesia is under effect, the surgeon will use a special laser to carry out the procedure. A controlled, pulsated beam of light is given which vaporizes the epidermis and reveals the younger-looking skin that lies underneath. The growth of new skin cells is also stimulated.

The full procedure can take up to 2 hours while a partial procedure doesn’t last longer than 30 to 45 minutes. A concentrated laser beam minimizes the complications by restricting the amount of heat damage done to the skin.

The Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

  • Improves the overall texture of the skin that has become rough due to sun damage
  • Enhances the youthfulness of the skin
  • Diminishes the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, skin discoloration, birthmarks etc.
  • Removes skin growths such as moles, warts
  • Can be used for treating skin cancer in earliest stages
  • Moderate facial scarring results from injury or surgery can be minimized

Risks Involved

  • Bacterial infection or abnormal healing
  • Reactivating herpes cold sores
  • Hyperpigmentation or Hypopigmentation
  • Scarring or burns from laser’s heat
  • Smoking increases the duration of recovery period

Inform your doctor if you have any medical conditions, drug allergies or immune disorders before the procedure. This helps them in preparing better for the surgery and administering the right medication for your recovery without any threat of risks.

Expected Recovery Time & Results

The recovery period lasts around two weeks. During this time, the treated skin will heal and a new layer of skin will appear. However, the redness of the skin might persist for several months. Depending on the extent of the treatment, patients should take a break of one to two weeks from work immediately after the procedure.

If you are considering getting a laser skin resurfacing, make an appointment with us today for a consultation.

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