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Are you tired of wearing and maintaining glasses or contacts but afraid of getting LASIK? There are thousands of people in the same frame of mind when it comes to choosing LASIK. This fear or averseness is primarily because there are a lot of myths out there related to it. So how do you figure out what is genuine and what’s a fallacy?

Here, we bust some of these myths with facts to address your queries and fears regarding this extremely safe, reliable, painless and one-time solution to clear vision – Lasik Surgery.

Myth – “It is painful”

Fact – Sedative eye drops are used by the surgeon prior to the surgery. You might feel temporary pressure or a bit uncomfortable, only when the corneal flap is created. And that slight irritation does not last, so you can be back to normal within a matter of few days. The latest technology used today ensures that the surgery is completely pain-free.

Myth – “It is appropriate for everyone”

Fact – Lasik eye surgery can be performed depending on certain physical conditions. To begin with, for people with thin or irregularly shaped corneas, Lasik is not a good option. Also, individuals with specific health issues such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disease may have increased risk of poor results. Hence, such people are also not the best candidates for this eye surgery.

Myth – “You can lose your eyesight”

Fact – Lasik is an extremely safe eye surgery. Like any other medical procedure, it might have some complications, but serious issues are very rare. And more importantly, this surgery is performed only on the surface of the eyes, and the possibilities of going blind are zero. Ophthalmologists, first ensure completely with the help of most advanced tools, whether or not Lasik is suitable for you, and then advance accordingly.

Myth – “You can get rid of your glasses or contacts after Lasik”

Fact – Lasik no doubt corrects your refractive errors. But, even normal vision alters with time and age. So even though you have undergone Lasik, you might have to wear reading glasses or driving glasses at night, depending on how your vision changes as you grow old. 

Myth – “It is a new technology and hence might involve risk”

Fact – It was performed for the first time in the year 1989 and was introduced in America in 1990. Since then several publications have shown that it ranks high on stability, safety, and effectiveness. And, it has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Besides, it has evolved over all these years and the recent developments in bladeless Lasik surgery are known to offer a very high rate of success.

Myth – “The results of Lasik surgery are not permanent or long-lasting”

Fact – This surgery reshapes the cornea and practically changes the composition of your eye. Hence, the change in your vision is a permanent one. It has been found through research that the results of Lasik are stable up to 10 years. Of course, people who have undergone Lasik might experience a change in their vision, later in their lives because of the natural process of aging.

Myth – “Those with astigmatism can’t opt for Lasik”

Fact – This was true with the older techniques of the surgery. But, with the invention of new and better technologies for Lasik surgery, most levels of astigmatism can be treated safely and with precision. In fact, a majority of patients opting for Lasik eye surgery have some astigmatism. And the surgery offers exceptional results for all types of refractive errors – nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

We at InSight Vision Center in Fresno, California are always eager to help you understand the benefits of Lasik eye surgery. So don’t let your fears hold you back. Contact our eye surgeon today and know more about how the Lasik eye surgical procedure can get you a normal and clear vision with Lasik eye surgery.

Almost every woman wearing contact lenses will agree that even though their contacts have freed them from the boring spectacles, the said freedom has come at a price. Let’s see why:

Because wearing and maintaining contacts is quite a task!

  • You need to literally follow a step-by-step tedious procedure to just wear and remove your contact lenses. You wash hands, clean the case, use the lens solution, clean the lenses and then carefully put them on which is a struggle in itself. This drill is to be followed every time you sleep, shower or go swimming.
  • Think of the time you wear eye makeup. Just a small speck of eye shadow or a seemingly innocent eyelash with mascara, if comes in contact with your lenses, you are sure to get an irritated and red eye for the rest of the day! And not to forget, once you get makeup in the lenses, it is really tough to clean out the residue thoroughly.
  • You play multiple roles in a single day and are often multi-tasking with your hectic schedule. In such a scenario, it isn’t exactly convenient, when you also have to ensure that you handle and store contact lenses correctly so that they don’t get dry, scratched, torn or lost.

It would be wonderful to not restrict yourself from doing anything you love just because of your contact lenses, don’t you think?

Lasik eye surgery can be the best possible answer to this question. As opposed to the hassles of using contact lenses, Lasik comes with a host of advantages. Hence, more and more women are choosing Lasik surgery over contact lens.

Let’s understand the 5 reasons why Lasik surgery can be a much better option for women who are struggling with their contact lenses:

1. You can lead a more carefree lifestyle after Lasik surgery. You don’t need to worry about getting makeup or chlorine water in your eyes while swimming, as with contact lens.

2. Lasik eye surgery is one of the safest procedures. Whereas, contact lenses may lead to a loss of vision in the long term.

3. Lasik is cheaper than contact lens. You need to buy new contacts if they are lost, torn, get dry or scratched, which is often. Apart from this, they also need to be replaced regularly. However, Lasik surgery is a onetime solution.

4. LASIK is painless. Contact lenses are known to give the user red, irritated and painful eyes, even if a single dust or makeup particle comes in their contact.

5. There is no risk of infection involved in Lasik surgery. But, contacts are prone to get infected even with the slightest of negligence, which can eventually lead to serious eye infection.

All these reasons are precisely why Lasik eye surgery is one of the most preferred vision correction procedures today. Also, the recovery time after Lasik procedure is negligible. You can get back to routine life within only a few days. It gives you the liberty to live your life to the fullest.

So get in touch with our skilled team at Insight Vision Centre in Fresno California today. Our eye care surgeons will answer your queries related to Lasik procedure which you might have, and also help you understand how it can transform the way you see and live!

The glorious season of spring is almost here! Most of you shall be gearing up for some fun in the sun. However, many others are finding ways to protect themselves from the effects of seasonal allergies. Various factors such as dust and pollen grains are the usual troublemakers, causing allergic reactions in multiple ways.

But, in order to take preventative measures against such allergies, we first need to be able to identify the symptoms of such allergies to be better prepared. Mentioned below are some of the most common indications of allergic reactions:

  • Redness of eyes
  • Itching
  • Swelling or puffiness
  • White discharge from the eyes
  • Teary or watery eyes
  • Soreness or pain in one or both the eyes

So, how do you avoid suffering from these symptoms without compromising on your fun time in the glorious spring sun? Take a look at these 7 simple yet effective preventative measures that you can take in order to stay allergy-free this spring.

 1. Wear Sunglasses

Since spring calls for a lot of outdoor celebrations, picnics and barbeques, make sure you keep your eyes protected from Sun damage, caused due to the harmful UV rays. Wear sunglasses with 100% UV ray protection and supplement that by using a hat. Doing so will help you protect your eyes as well as your face from direct sunlight.

2. Keep Your Hands & Face Clean

When you’re spending your days outside, it is easy to get your hands dirty. Dust and pollen particles are the prime causes of contamination, as a result of which it is extremely easy to trigger your allergies. It could even be something as simple as lightly rubbing your eyes. That is why it is crucial to keep your face and hands clean at all times.

3. Wear Glasses instead of Contact Lenses

Avoid using contact lenses and use glasses instead, when you plan on staying outside for extended length of time. This is because pollen can build up on your contacts and further irritate your eyes. Glasses make a better alternative as they can shield your eyes from flying particles of pollen and dust.

Pro Tip – You can talk to your doctor about getting polarized lenses for your prescription spectacles. This will give you the dual benefit of protecting your eyes from the harsh glare of the sun and the risk of infection causing contaminants.  

If you find both glasses and contact lenses quite the hassle to handle, then simply opt for a vision corrective procedure such as LASIK! It is the most commonly opted procedure as it is almost pain free, requires negligible recovery time and has zero side effects.

4. Protect Your Eyes from Extreme Activities

Spring calls for outdoor sports, bonfires, barbeques and fireworks! This means increased exposure to extreme heat and smoke, making it even more important to ensure that you are fully protected from the impacts of the same. Keep your distance in case of witnessing or lighting fireworks and open fires, and ensure that you and everyone around you use protective eyewear. Appropriate eye gear is also crucial when playing sports or indulging in other outdoor activities like hiking and swimming.

5. Use an Air Purifier

Allergens like pollen and dust spread quickly and find their way into your homes quite easily. Therefore, in order to keep yourself completely protected from contracting allergies, it is advisable to invest in an air purifier so that you are safe indoors as well.

6. Keep Your Eyes Moist

The sunny days of spring can leave your eyes dry as you venture outside to enjoy the warm weather. Restore the lost moisture of your eyes by applying artificial tear drops that help lubricate the eyes and improve visual comfort
by soothing the ocular surface.

7. See Your Ophthalmologist for a Comprehensive Eye Exam

With the dryness of the spring season at your doorstep, the best way to protect your eyes from itching, irritation and allergies is to have a comprehensive eye exam by an experienced ophthalmologist. He will check your eyes for signs of seasonal allergies and symptoms of other eye conditions. If any changes are identified in your visual health, your ophthalmologist can initiate treatment immediately so that your eyes remain healthy for the rest of the year.

If you still face a lot of difficulties as a result of spring time allergies, book an appointment with Insight Vision Center today. Our dedicated team of experts will guide you in every way possible, with specialized solutions and treatment options!

Ever thought about eating right for healthy eyes? Yes, our eyes may be the most neglected and strained organ of our body. Hectic work schedules, long hours before lit screens, harsh sun rays – are all adding to the stress of our eyes. But we don’t realize this until major damage is done.

So be wise and begin with the basics to improve the health of your eyes. We have listed 10 super foods which promote healthy vision. These are rich in powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenoids, alpha-lipoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids etc. All of them work together to protect the retina and lens by absorbing and controlling free radicals, thus shielding your eyes from damage. Read below to know more about the 10 super foods.

1. Berries
Include these sweet, sour and tangy superfoods in your diet and see a marked difference in your vision. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which will relax and soothe the swelling of eyes. Other antioxidants present in strawberries help prevent dryness, vision defects and macular degeneration.

Blue berries with their anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective, collagen stabilizing and rhodopsin-regenerating properties, benefit the functioning of your eyes. They strengthen the posterior blood vessels of eyes. The anthocyanins present in blue berries not only prevent blockages in retinal arteries, but also lower high blood pressure. Other berries such as cranberries, blackberries, mulberries etc., also benefit your eyes.

2. Broccoli
The wide-spread dislike for broccoli is well known. Well, it’s time you opened your eyes to its benefits. Broccoli is packed with antioxidants, and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Both these carotenoids act as protective pigments in the back of the eyes.
A vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to eyes which are super sensitive to light, resulting in fatigue, inflammation and hazy vision. Broccoli can help you prevent these problems, as it contains a lot of vitamin B2. Have it in salad or a side dish, or as a snack with a dip.

3. Brussels Sprouts
These are another rich source of vitamin C which eases the inflammation of stressed eyes. Besides, they also contain zeaxanthin, an antioxidant which helps filter out the harmful blue light rays and prevents them from entering the cornea. This helps protect eyes from damage and disorders like macular degeneration. Add some texture to salad with these wonder sprouts or enjoy as a light snack.

4. Carrots
These are easy on your pocket and heavy on the benefits. They are loaded with beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A protects vision, prevents night blindness, and maintains a healthy and clear cornea. Salads, smoothies or healthy desserts – there are numerous ways to add carrots in your diet.

5. Chia Seeds
They have high omega-3 fatty acids content as compared to flax seeds or salmon, more calcium than a glass of milk, and more antioxidants than blue berries. Make them a part of your daily diet to reduce the oxidative damage of the lens and retina, and promote the overall health of eyes.

6. Dark Chocolate
Most of us love this delicious super food. For those who don’t, here are some reasons to ditch the regular and pick a dark bar instead. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids which enhance the blood flow to the eyes. They also help your eyes see better in low light and focus properly in excess bright light, while reducing the strain. Besides, dark chocolate also contains minerals which ensure correct functioning of the optic system.

7. Kale
Kale is rich in vital nutrients and vitamins. The nutrients are crucial for a clear and perfect vision. Moreover, the lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A, B6 and K help protect the eyes from harmful light rays, contribute to visual development, protect the cornea and strengthen the optical nerve. Kale also provides ample amount of vitamin C. So do not shy away from the greens on the menu! Kale, spinach, mustard leaves, swiss chard, turnips – all of these are must-haves in your diet.

8. Peppers
These are one of the richest sources of vitamin A and C. Both these vitamins help maintain healthy eyesight by preventing night blindness, reverse near and far sightedness and prevent formation of cataracts. The peppers also contain ample amount of vitamin B6, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and lycopene. All of these are important for healthy vision.

You can choose from the many varieties of peppers available today. So bake, grill, stir-fry or simply have them raw for maximum benefit.

9. Proteins

Some of the most easily available protein-rich super foods are eggs, salmon, oysters, crab, beef, etc. Eggs are loaded with biotin, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and retinol – the most vital element responsible for maintaining healthy vision. Salmon also has a good amount of retinol and omega 3 fatty acids, both of which are required for maintaining a good eyesight. However, the red meats need to be consumed in moderation.

10. Seeds & Nuts
Give your eyes the advantage of the duo – vitamin C and vitamin E. Both of these together, are great at keeping a tissue healthy and strong. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans and sunflower seeds are the best sources of vitamin E and zinc. Besides, they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the eyes. So, toss aside your fried snacks and grab these nutritious seeds and nuts instead.

Apart from these, a regular eye check up is essential. Visit us at Insight Vision Center today, and find out more about how you can keep eye ailments at bay and maintain a healthy vision.

We’ve all heard myths related to eyesight and vision, causing confusion about what’s good for eyes and what isn’t. But, are any of them actually true?

Here are 12 common misconceptions and the truth behind them:

Myth #1 – Prescription Glasses/Lenses Fix (or Harm) Your Eyesight
Wearing vision aids all the time helps improve eyesight and prevent vision deterioration. However, some believe it makes eyesight worse.

Reality – Glasses or contact lenses only make your vision clearer. Wearing them constantly does not increase or decrease your power, but could help prevent eye strain.

Myth #2 – TV Screens/Computer Monitors Hurt Your Eyes
You will harm your eyesight by sitting too close to the television/staring at the computer all day.

Reality – Electronic screens don’t cause vision loss, but staring at them constantly can increase dryness and strain. Use anti-glare glasses and lubricating eye drops, take frequent breaks, and remember to blink!

Myth #3 – Glaucoma Is a Risk Only for Those with Poor Eyesight
People with 20/20 vision and no symptoms of glaucoma are not at risk of developing the disease.

RealityGlaucoma symptoms only show up in the moderate or advanced stage of the disease, but early detection and treatment can slow its advance.

Myth #4 – Staring at the Sun Can Strengthen Your Eyes
Looking directly into the sun helps to strengthen your eyes and improve your eyesight.

Reality – No, no and no! Looking directly at a solar eclipse causes retinal damage, and so can looking at the sun without protective eyewear.

Myth #5 – Diabetes Doesn’t Always Increase Eye Health Risk
Diabetics won’t suffer eye damage and vision issues if their blood sugar is under control.

Reality – Other than blood sugar levels, the duration of illness is also a risk factor for diabetic retinopathy. Early detection and treatment can help prevent irreversible blindness.

Myth #6 – Your Vision Is Affected By Reading in Poor Light
Don’t read in dim light. It will harm your eyesight, make you shortsighted and increase your power.

Reality – You won’t suffer eye damage or become shortsighted, but your eyes may get strained or tired. Point a lamp directly on the page while reading.

Myth #7 – Carrots Are the “Magic” Food for Eye Health
Eating a lot of carrots protects your eyes, prevents the need for glasses, and improves your eyesight.

Reality – It isn’t carrots that protect your eye structure, but Vitamin A. Carrots are rich in this antioxidant, but so are dark green leafy veggies and fresh fruits.

Myth #8 – Eyeballs Are Removed During an Eye Transplant/Surgery
Doctors remove your eyeball during eye surgery, and can transplant the whole organ when it’s damaged.

Reality – Eyeballs are connected to the optic nerve (part of the brain), and can never be removed from their sockets. Only corneas can be transplanted/operated upon.

Myth #9 – Sunglasses and Safety Goggles Aren’t Necessary
Sunglasses are just a way to look “cool”, while safety goggles are only needed for high-risk activities.

Reality – Sunglasses offer glare and UV ray protection. Safety goggles protect your eyes against accidents, injury and blindness (during sports or even at home!).

Myth #10 – Poor Eye Health/Vision Loss is Genetic
You’re safe if your family has no history of glaucoma. If your parents have good eyesight, so will you.

Reality – While some types of glaucoma, cataracts and other issues are inherited, there’s no guarantee either way. Get regular checkups!

Myth #11 – Eyesight Gets Worse with Increasing Age
You will definitely face issues with retinal damage, vision loss and eye-related diseases as you get older.

Reality – If you eat a healthy, balanced diet, get regular eye exams and avoid smoking, drinking and high sugar intake, your eyes can remain healthy even in old age!

Myth #12 – Eye Exercises Can Prevent/Fix Vision Loss
Doing eye exercises or “eye yoga” on a regular basis will delay, prevent or correct vision loss.

Reality – Your spectacle number depends on eye tissue health, eyeball shape and other factors. Eyesight is not significantly affected by eye exercises.

When myths are treated as fact, proper eye care suffers. Don’t wait till you’re 40 (another myth) to get annual eye checks, since early detection is the best treatment! Visit InSight Vision Center and get your eyes checked.

Your wedding is the biggest day of your life. You start planning months in advance, years in some cases. Who to invite? Where to hold the function? What to wear? How to make sure you look as fabulous as possible on your big day? When it comes to looking great on your wedding day, no stone can be left unturned, right? Perfect outfit, matching accessories, well-rested sleep et al to ensure you look as fresh as possible. Some of you may even go the extra mile and get different procedures done to enhance the way you look on your big day. It could be anything ranging from a spray tan to cosmetic surgeries such as Lasik eye surgery. Yes, you read that right! And if you think about it, why wouldn’t anyone want permanent freedom from glasses before they say “I Do”. Still trying to wrap your head around why anyone would opt for such a big surgery right before the wedding? Instead, ask why not? With rapid advancements in the field medical technology, a getting simple LASIK procedure before your “I Dos” should be the least of your worries and here’s why:

  • See Better
    Who wouldn’t you want to walk down the aisle with 20-20 vision? You can see your significant other with ultimate clarity. Can’t miss their expressions while walking down the aisle, or rather don’t want to! Lasik eye surgery can improve visual errors such nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism etc. Once you’ve performed the Lasik surgery, you will be able to enjoy enhanced visual clarity, sharpness and color contrasts. Without Lasik surgery, you might have to keep wiping your misty glasses because of all the tears. But, with LASIK, you will be able to see the entire room clearly, without missing a beat!
  • Look Great
    After your LASIK surgery, you will never have to wear glasses or contacts again. Imagine being able to click pictures without having to repeatedly take your glasses off or just suffer through the flash reflecting on your glasses. No worrying about drying or shifting contacts either. Think effortlessly fabulous wedding photos! Those last a lifetime and you can’t have your beautiful eyes hidden behind those cumbersome glasses on your wedding day! High school was long enough as it is.
  • Reduce that Worry-List
    Weddings can be a pretty overwhelming event to plan out. Everything is planned down to the nitty-gritty details with back-ups in place. For someone who requires glasses or contacts, that involves at least one extra pair of contacts and glasses each. They have to be on stand-by during the wedding just in case a contact pops or the glasses break. Even while packing for your honeymoon, you’ve to make sure you have extras because you don’t really want to spend time hunting for something as menial as lens solution. But, why not get rid of this entire aspect with Lasik surgery? If you think about it, it takes away a lot from your to-do list, both during the wedding as well as the honeymoon!
  • Feel Confident
    Many LASIK patients noticed that they feel much better about their appearance once they stop wearing eyeglasses. It unconsciously boosts a person’s confidence making them more self-assured. It fills you with new vigor to try out activities that weren’t practically enjoyable with glasses, like surfing, snowboarding, diving, paragliding or even a wacky dance at your wedding! Don’t worry about your glasses falling off or your contacts shifting mid way anymore! And think of all the activities you can indulge in at your honeymoon! And what’s better than finally being able to impress your partner with your adventurous side! Benefits all around, am I right?!

And finally, the best part about getting LASIK is that it doesn’t take long to recover. All you have to do is schedule an appointment with your laser surgeon and get all the required details. Your ophthalmologist will then help you plan your surgery and follow-up appointments according to your wedding plans. LASIK not only saves you a lot of hassle and stress during the wedding & honeymoon but also lets you enjoy your big day exactly how you always envisioned it, minus those chunky glasses!

Looking to book a pre-wedding LASIK surgery in Fresno, CA? Book an appointment with an experienced eye surgeon in Fresno now or call us on 559-449-5050 for further details!

Considering a laser eye surgery? Have you done your research on Lasik eye surgery? Don’t wish to get overwhelmed with jargon and unnecessary details? Lasik Surgeon at InSight Vision Center, Fresno, CA we will provide you with all the necessary information in simple terms so that you make an informed choice.

Terms Associated with Lasik Eye Surgery


  • Astigmatism



    1. A term that is used for describing the defective anatomy of an eye. Any eye that has a complex shape and is not perfectly round in shape is called an astigmatic eye.


    1. Ablation
      The surgical removal of tissue from the cornea for correcting astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.


    1. Bladeless Lasik
      A vision correction surgery that uses the IntraLase laser to create a uniform flap of the corneal tissue without using any blade.


    1. Bilateral Lasik
      A vision correction procedure that is performed on both the eyes.


    1. Cornea
      That area of the eyeball which focuses light at the back of the eye and comprises of five layers of tissue.


    1. Corneal Flap
      The creation of the corneal flap is the very first step of the surgery for correcting vision. This protective flap is then manipulated for proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Corneal Epithelium
      This is the soft tissue that covers the front portion of the cornea.


    1. Dry Eyes
      When the eye is incapable of producing tears, the deficiency is described as dry eyes. It results in irritation, burning sensation and a persistent feeling of foreign particles being present in the eye.


    1. Diopter
      This is the standard unit for measuring the refractive error. While a negative diopter indicates myopia, a positive value signifies the presence of hyperopia.


    1. Excimer Laser
      A refractive surgical procedure that involves the use of an ultraviolet laser for removing corneal tissues.


    1. Hyperopia
      The inability of the eye to focus on objects in close proximity due to a refractive error.


    1. Intraocular lens
      An artificial lens designed to replace the cloudy eye lens.


    1. Lens
      This is the clear structure which is located just behind the iris. The lens allows the eye to focus on objects that are up close and distant.


    1. Keratectomy
      A surgery performed to remove the tissue from the cornea and reshape it using laser energy.


    1. Myopia
      Defines a refractive error which makes it difficult to see objects that are placed at a distance. The condition is often caused by a steep cornea or a long eye which prevents proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Pupil
      This is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering into the eye. The iris contracts in bright light causing the pupil to shrink in size so that less light passes through and expands in the dark to allow more light.


    1. Retina
      Retina is the fine nerve tissue lining the inside of the eye that acts as a protective film. The retina is responsible for capturing images and transmitting them to the brain.


    1. Stroma
      This is the thickest layer of tissue found in the cornea.


    1. Visual Acuity
      Describes the sharpness of vision.


  1. Wavefront
    A standard measure of the refractive error for astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia.

These are commonly used terms that you should know prior to your eye surgery because it is important to understand how the vision correction procedure will restore your eyesight in a safe and efficient manner. If you have any concerns or queries regarding the LASIK procedure, get in touch with our eye care specialists in Fresno, CA at 559-449-5050 to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.

Are you contemplating having eye surgery to get rid of those spectacles?

Well, think no more as modern technology allows you to do just that. Superior vision technology has totally transformed the world of eye care right from diagnosis and treatment to equipment and recovery. Vision technology has witnessed some amazing scientific breakthroughs in the past few years and these advances are rapidly changing the future of those with chronic eye conditions. Here are 5 ways innovative technology is making a massive difference to the eye health of millions across the globe:

    1. The Entry of New Eye Care Equipment

      A recent innovation, “Adaptive Optics” has revolutionized the diagnosis of vision in patients suffering from diabetes. This advanced technology can accurately detect the early signs of vision loss that other screening techniques fail to determine. It efficiently targets those areas that were initially overlooked by other machines. This sophisticated technology is a driving change for future generations that are at a risk of diabetes related eye disorders.

    2. Treatment Procedures Have Become Shorter and The Recovery Time has been Reduced to Half

      The adoption of sophisticated equipment and advanced techniques has resulted in the improvement of the results. Procedures have become precise and the treatment time has been reduced dramatically. Today every front-line treatment center uses laser technology whether it is for measuring the focus or reshaping the cornea. Laser surgery is safe, blade-free, precise and automates the most vital processes in a surgery which ensures maximum accuracy, and minimal pain in a much shorter span of time. The diagnosis of eye diseases is now possible at an early stage due to which procedures have become less risky and have a faster recovery time.

    3. Improvement in Visual Outcomes

      The prevention of eye impairments is now possible with lens-based techniques that can accurately track the fluctuations in eye pressure and facilitate timely therapeutic interventions. New formulations are more prompt and effective than ever before, eye evaluations are totally computerized, and gene therapy and stem cell therapy are effectively slowing down eye disease progress and restoring vision. The evolution of regenerative treatments and their encouraging results are anticipated to revolutionize the approach to eye disease and age-related degeneration.

    4. Different Treatment Options Available Today

      The new laser techniques have made acute angle closures safe and accurate. Evolving tools and techniques are now getting closer to the goal of pain-free treatments and improving eye care services. Let’s take a look at how cutting-edge technology is eliminating blindness.

      • Wavefront Analysis – Designed to measure how the human eye focuses light, this advanced technique creates an eye map which facilitates an accurate diagnosis of eye problems that can eventually lead to a total loss of vision
      • LASIK– It reshapes the cornea to improve the focusing power of the eye and restores vision painlessly
      • Diode Laser – Prevents retinal detachment and treats retinal tears by scarring the retina and bonding it with the underlying tissues
      • Femtosecond Laser – Incredibly safe and highly accurate, femtosecond laser automates the cataract surgery and also ensures a quick recovery.


  1. How Eye Care Has Evolved in Glaucoma

    Today Glaucoma can be detected at a very early stage without causing any damage to the optical fibers and this prevents the onset of vision impairment. It is now possible to track all fluctuations in eye pressure around the clock. Due to this, the physician can treat every type of glaucoma promptly and precisely thereby increasing the chances of a positive outcome. Also, an early diagnosis means less complications and a quicker resolution.

The remarkable results of recently discovered tools and techniques have shifted the focus from treatment to preservation of vision. Today people receive improved eye care services that are aided by bio-engineered products and sophisticated equipment with all the necessary caution for a successful outcome. Developments in eye care technology are already creating a world of possibilities to improve your vision and eye health-don’t wait and call us today to find out your options!

Is LASIK eye surgery a safe and effective option for your children?

Here at InSight Vision Center, we will address all your concerns related to refractive surgeries and advanced eye care. From what is the right option for a teen and the ideal age to undergo a refractive surgery to the cons and consequences of LASIK for teenagers, every question regarding vision correction will be answered keeping your best interests in mind.

Why Myopia Has Become a Worldwide Epidemic?

Did you know that the number of short-sighted teens has grown tremendously in the recent past? Today a shocking 90% of teens leaving school wear glasses and the prevalence rate of short-sightedness has almost doubled in the USA over the past 3 decades. Research has confirmed that most myopia cases develop during school years and tend to stabilize by the early twenties. In rare cases, the condition continues to progress eve after the mid-twenties. Many genetic factors and environmental elements are also known to cause myopia which is why today most teens are suffering from vision problems.

Is LASIK the Right Choice for a Teenager?

At InSight Vision Center, we want that every patient receives utmost care and has a successful surgical experience. This is why our staff is very discerning when it comes to considering an ideal candidate for Lasik. Many factors are to be taken into consideration prior to deciding the eligibility for a LASIK procedure and one of it is the stability of the condition. The maturity of myopia plays a vital role in ensuring a sustainable positive outcome. A candidate is considered eligible for a refractive procedure only if he/she has a vision prescription that has stabilized over the previous year. As a teenager’s eyes are still in the development phase, the vision prescription keeps changing and that is why their eyes would need an enhancement procedure in the near future even after a successful LASIK procedure.

The Ideal Age to Undergo a LASIK Procedure

As soon as a teen learns that he/she needs to wait for a while for their vision prescription to stabilize, the first thing they want to know is how long they need to wait before surgery becomes a viable option for them to get rid of their glasses. Unfortunately, there is no definite age that can be considered perfect for undergoing a refractive procedure, as every patient is unique and the eyes change and develop at their own pace. Again, the best way to confirm that the eyes have reached a steady phase is a stable vision prescription. Most eye surgeons, therefore, recommend waiting until the age of 18. However, even at this age it is possible that the eyes may not have attained complete vision stability.

Best Alternatives to LASIK eye surgery

The best possible options to a LASIK surgery are reading glasses or contact lenses but none of these bring the freedom offered by a minimally invasive LASIK procedure. However, lenses and glasses are highly effective at restoring clear vision until the patient is eligible for a vision correction surgery.

Why Is It Wiser to Wait for a Little Longer for LASIK?

LASIK is a safe and effective procedure for treating myopia but in order to achieve lasting results, it is important to have a stable prescription. Lasik eye surgery efficiently restores vision but when the eyes continue to develop and change, it fails to give excellent results over the years. Glasses can be changed every year but a laser eye surgery cannot be treated as a top-up solution in case the vision continues to change post surgery. Most patients that undergo a refractive surgery in their early twenties experience excellent, long-lasting outcomes.

Should a Teen Still Consider a Laser Consultation?

Certainly, as some eyes tend to stabilize at an early age and there are surgeries that have been highly successful on patients who are as young as 18. An initial consultation will help in establishing the shape and the thickness of the cornea. This information helps the eye surgeon decide if the candidate can undergo a LASIK eye surgery or would need to wait a little longer. A consultation also helps in diagnosing an underlying eye condition known as keratoconus and this would mean that a surgery would not be possible at any age. A consultation also brings the opportunity to explore other vision correction surgeries such as implantable lenses. While most teens need to wait until they hit twenty, contact lenses are the most suitable, teenage-friendly option. They make a safe, comfortable and fuss-free solution.

Want to know if LASIK is right for your child? Talk to our LASIK surgeons at 559-449-5050.

It is important to take care of your eyes. Sometimes you may experience eye defects like astigmatism, bifocal vision, nearsightedness and farsightedness. LASIK eye surgery is a surgical procedure used to correct eye defects. Here are some precautions which you need to take before, during and after surgery.

What to do Before LASIK Surgery?

  1. To ascertain if you are a good candidate for LASIK, an eye examination must be performed. In order to have a good surgery you will have to stop wearing contact lenses weeks before the evaluation by the surgeon. Wearing contact lenses changes the shape of your cornea.
    • You must not wear soft contact lenses for up to two weeks before the surgery.
    • Toric lenses or gas permeable lenses must not be worn for up to three weeks before the surgery.
    • Hard lenses must be stopped four weeks before the surgery.
  2. You must tell the surgeon about your medical history and any medication you are allergic to. Discuss with the doctor about the outcome of the surgery and the precautions to take.
  3. Stop using perfumes, makeup, lotions and creams day before the surgery. Make arrangements to travel to and from the surgery centre.

What Happens During LASIK Surgery?

  1. The lasik surgery procedure lasts for 30 minutes. During the surgery a mechanical microkeratome or laser keratome will be used. Your vision may be reduced or you might have some sort of pain during the surgery. Your vision may be blurred you will have to stare at a light for about 60 seconds. You are not the right candidate for LASIK if you cannot stare at this light for 60 seconds.
  2. A shield will be placed over your eye at the end of the surgery. You must wear it.
  3. You must not work on the day of the surgery.

What to do After LASIK Surgery?

You must have transportation available to take you home after the surgery. You will have some pain in your eye after the surgery but you must not rub the eye or touch it. You must take plenty of rest. Take some days off from work, university or school. If the pain increases and you feel a lot of tenderness in the eye please contact the surgeon. You must see the doctor twenty within four to forty eight hours after the surgery. You must also visit the doctor for the first six months at regular intervals after the procedure.

You will be given eye drops to lubricate your eyes. You must use these eye drops. Any medication to reduce pain and antibiotics must also be taken. Take precautions to prevent eye infections. You must wear sun glasses to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of sun light and dust. Don’t watch television or use computers for up to twenty four to forty eight hours after the procedure. Avoid drinking alcohol for a couple of weeks after the surgery. Don’t use contact lenses until your eye heals and also follow your doctor’s advice. Don’t take a shower for twenty four to forty eight hours after the procedure and after that take a bath instead of the shower.

You should not work for some weeks after the procedure. You must wait for up to four weeks before indulging in any sports. Don’t use creams, lotions and eye make up for up to two weeks after the procedure. Do not indulge in swimming activities, hot tubs or whirlpools two to three months after the procedure. Contact your doctor if there is pain and heaviness in your eyes.

Taking care of your eyes is very important to avoid complications before and after the LASIK surgery. If there is any problem with your eyes then you must consult your surgeon immediately. You must follow the advice of your doctor and your eyes will be healthy and your vision will be restored after LASIK.

If you want to learn more about LASIK, please contact our experienced eye surgeons at InSight Vision Center by calling 559-449-5050

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