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Comparing Pink Eye vs. Scratched Cornea : Symptoms, Treatments & FAQs


Ah, the dreaded eye pain. Suddenly waking up with pain and redness in your eye can be disconcerting – not knowing whether it is from a scratch or an infection only makes it worse. Both can feel similar, but the cause and treatment are very different, and it is important to know the difference. This blog post explores the differences between the two so you can get the right treatment and care for your eyes.

What is Pink Eye?

Pink eye is also known as conjunctivitis and occurs when the conjunctiva, or the transparent covering over the white portion of the eye, becomes red and swollen. This is typically caused by a viral infection and results in a sharp, poking sensation along with redness and tearing. It can affect one or both eyes and often causes sensitivity to light.

What is a Scratched Cornea?

A scratched cornea, on the other hand, is much more painful. The cornea is the most sensitive part of your body and a scratch can result in severe sensitivity to light and tearing. It may difficult to keep your eye open and the onset is usually sudden.

Learn more about a Scratched eye.

Can you have similar symptoms with a scratched cornea and pink eye?

Both conditions cause similar symptoms and it can be challenging to tell the difference. Both a scratch and an infection cause a feeling of something in the eye as well as light sensitivity and tearing.

Is it Pink Eye or Scratched Cornea? Know the Symptoms!

Let’s take a moment to compare the symptoms of scratched cornea vs. pink eye. Identifying the symptoms is the first step to catching any illness, so knowing the difference is important.

Symptoms of Pink Eye

If you have conjunctivitis, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms in one or both eyes.

Symptoms of Scratched Eye

If you have a corneal abrasion, the following symptoms will only be present in one eye.

Pink Eye vs. Corneal Abrasion – What are the Causes?

Distinguishing between pink eye and a scratched eye can be based on the cause:-

What are the Other Key Differentiators of Pink Eye and Scratched Eye?

Here are some other factors that may help you determine the cause of your eye symptoms:

What are the Options for Treatment for Pink Eye and Corneal Abrasion?

The healthcare provider will customize treatment to suit your individual needs in the following ways.

For a Scratched eye:

For Conjunctivitis:

Are you suffering from a painful and uncomfortable pink eye or a scratched cornea? Don’t endure the agony any longer – contact our team of experienced eye specialists now and experience relief with our assistance!

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FAQs – Pink eye vs. Scratched Cornea

Generally, conjunctivitis is caused by a virus or bacteria. But in some instances, allergies or a scratched cornea can also cause the same condition.
Other conditions that can be confused with pink eye include styes, allergies, blepharitis, and iritis.
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