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Are Women At Greater Risk of Age-Related Eye Health Problems?


It’s crucial to take care of your eyes at any point in life, but more so as you get older. It’s common knowledge that men and women are prone to developing common eye disorders and diseases with advancing age. However, research shows that the latter group may be at higher risk.

Let’s look at how age affects your eyes, how to maintain healthy vision for women, and why regularly visiting an ophthalmologist in Fresno (or your local area) is so important.

Women and Eye Health: What the Research Says

According to a study by Prevent Blindness, AMD or age-related macular degeneration is more common among women than men, as are glaucoma and cataracts. There are also more cases of visual impairment or blindness in American women over the age of 40 than men in the same age group.

However, women generally seem to be unaware of the threat:

Top 5 Reasons for Early Vision Loss in Women

Here’s why women could develop low vision earlier than men:

Precautions and Tips to Prevent Eye Conditions

Here are some eye care tips to help you maintain better vision and eye health:

We want you to enjoy healthy vision all your life, so follow our tips above and make an appointment with InSight Vision Center for a dilated eye exam today!

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