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All About Color Vision Deficiency

Color vision deficiency, or color blindness, is the inability to distinguish certain shades of colors. In highly severe cases, people can’t see the concerned colors at all though very few people are completely color blind (who can see things only as black, white and shades of gray). Color blindness occurs when there is a damage or loss of ‘cones’, which are the photoreceptors in the retina making color vision possible. If the cones lack one or more light sensitive pigments, there will be a deficiency in the color perception, making it difficult to see one or more of the three primary colors.

Types of Color Vision Deficiencies


Symptoms and Signs to Look Out For

Common symptoms to identify color blindness include:

Causes of Color Vision Deficiency

Most cases of color deficiency are genetic and are passed from the parents to kids. Apart from that, certain diseases and medical conditions may also lead to a loss in color recognition. Some include:

Other factors also include:

Medication: Drugs used for treating nervous disorders, heart problems, high blood pressure and psychological problems can affect color vision.

Chemical Exposure: Prolonged exposure to some fertilizers and chemicals has caused loss of color vision in some individuals.

Aging: As a person ages, his/her ability to see and recognize colors diminishes.

Treating Color Blindness

In most cases there is no cure, but if it’s caused due to an illness or an eye-injury, treatment may improve the color vision. Color cues and other methods can help color-deficient people to compensate for their inability to distinguish colors.

If you suspect colorblindness in yourself or a loved one, go to an eye doctor immediately. Give InSight Vision Center a call and make an appointment today for a comprehensive diagnosis.

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