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20 Common Terms Every Eligible Lasik Surgery Candidate Should Know

Considering a laser eye surgery? Have you done your research on Lasik eye surgery? Don’t wish to get overwhelmed with jargon and unnecessary details? Lasik Surgeon at InSight Vision Center, Fresno, CA we will provide you with all the necessary information in simple terms so that you make an informed choice.

Terms Associated with Lasik Eye Surgery




    1. A term that is used for describing the defective anatomy of an eye. Any eye that has a complex shape and is not perfectly round in shape is called an astigmatic eye.


    1. Ablation
      The surgical removal of tissue from the cornea for correcting astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.


    1. Bladeless Lasik
      A vision correction surgery that uses the IntraLase laser to create a uniform flap of the corneal tissue without using any blade.


    1. Bilateral Lasik
      A vision correction procedure that is performed on both the eyes.


    1. Cornea
      That area of the eyeball which focuses light at the back of the eye and comprises of five layers of tissue.


    1. Corneal Flap
      The creation of the corneal flap is the very first step of the surgery for correcting vision. This protective flap is then manipulated for proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Corneal Epithelium
      This is the soft tissue that covers the front portion of the cornea.


    1. Dry Eyes
      When the eye is incapable of producing tears, the deficiency is described as dry eyes. It results in irritation, burning sensation and a persistent feeling of foreign particles being present in the eye.


    1. Diopter
      This is the standard unit for measuring the refractive error. While a negative diopter indicates myopia, a positive value signifies the presence of hyperopia.


    1. Excimer Laser
      A refractive surgical procedure that involves the use of an ultraviolet laser for removing corneal tissues.


    1. Hyperopia
      The inability of the eye to focus on objects in close proximity due to a refractive error.


    1. Intraocular lens
      An artificial lens designed to replace the cloudy eye lens.


    1. Lens
      This is the clear structure which is located just behind the iris. The lens allows the eye to focus on objects that are up close and distant.


    1. Keratectomy
      A surgery performed to remove the tissue from the cornea and reshape it using laser energy.


    1. Myopia
      Defines a refractive error which makes it difficult to see objects that are placed at a distance. The condition is often caused by a steep cornea or a long eye which prevents proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Pupil
      This is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering into the eye. The iris contracts in bright light causing the pupil to shrink in size so that less light passes through and expands in the dark to allow more light.


    1. Retina
      Retina is the fine nerve tissue lining the inside of the eye that acts as a protective film. The retina is responsible for capturing images and transmitting them to the brain.


    1. Stroma
      This is the thickest layer of tissue found in the cornea.


    1. Visual Acuity
      Describes the sharpness of vision.


  1. Wavefront
    A standard measure of the refractive error for astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia.

These are commonly used terms that you should know prior to your eye surgery because it is important to understand how the vision correction procedure will restore your eyesight in a safe and efficient manner. If you have any concerns or queries regarding the LASIK procedure, get in touch with our eye care specialists in Fresno, CA at 559-449-5050 to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.

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