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10 Tips to Achieve the Best Cataract Surgery Recovery

Alzheimer’s Eyes

Regarded as one of the safest and most commonly performed procedures, the cataract surgery lasts 10-20 minutes on average, under topical anesthesia, and allows an intraocular lens (IOL) to be inserted instead of the opaque lens, leading to a total recovery of your visual ability. Most patients return to normal life as early as the next day, but of course it is necessary to take some precautions to prevent potential cataract surgery complications.

What to Expect After Your Cataract Surgery?

In order to fully appreciate the benefit of cataract surgery, it is often necessary to wait for your eyes and brain to adjust to your new lenses which may require one or two weeks.

It is useful to know that you may experience:

What is the Cataract Surgery Recovery Time?

The healing or recovery time differs among individuals, wherein some may experience quick healing while others may heal a bit slower. While the typical cataract surgery recovery time is about one month, you will be able to see images with the sharpest of focus within a week or two of surgery, provided you follow all the post-surgery precautions.

10 Tips for a Safe and Speedy Cataract Surgery Recovery

As long as your wounds have not healed it is necessary to scrupulously follow some basic precautions, especially during the first two postoperative weeks as the eye is extremely delicate. The most important precautions you should observe:

  1. Use maximum hygiene
  2. Instill eye drops according to your prescription after washing your hands thoroughly
  3. Avoid any trauma to your eyes
  4. Apply the protective cup before sleeping after washing it thoroughly with soap and water
  5. Avoid sleeping on the side of the operated eye for some time
  6. Do not make physical exertions or sudden movements
  7. Wash your hair carefully so as not to let soap or shampoo into your eyes
  8. Avoid playing any sports till you have fully recovered
  9. Driving is not recommended as long as your vision is not satisfactory and during the adaptation period of corrective lenses
  10. Avoid swimming and intense physical activity for two to three weeks after the procedure

Importance of Follow Up Appointments

Even though your vision feels correct, you may still be on the road to recovery. The first follow-up visit is should be made the day after yourthe cataract surgery, with other subsequent visits for a complete monitoring of the healing path. In the days following the cataract surgery, report any symptoms that may seem abnormal to your ophthalmologist in Fresno if you are in the area.

If you are looking for a trusted eye doctor in Frenso, give us a call at 559-449-5050 to book an appointment.

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